sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

POLITICAL CHESS 2012 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN RECIFE - "All that is solid melts into air" - The episode "Amorim Odacy" gives guidelines for the inevitable implosion of the Popular Front of Pernambuco.
José Luiz Gomes writes

Promoted at a barbecue in the Hacienda San Jose, owned by the family Mendonça, in Belo Jardim, Wasteland of the state, formed a political coalition that would be called by Pernambuco Union, led by the then mayor of Recife, Jarbas Vasconcelos, and the seal of a great political leadership of the State, the late Joseph Mendonca Mendonção or, as he was known. The project was ambitious. There was talk of 20 years of power, divided among the groups that made up the alliance, with names now properly scaled to occupy the Palace Farias and Antonio Campo das Princesas Palace. Shortly after some actors demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the conduct of the process, culminating in the defeat of Roberto Magalhaes for the City of Recife. The episode caused a disruption in the plans of the Union, anticipating their breakup.
Although in very specific political circumstances, it seems inevitable that the Popular Front will have the same symptoms and possibly heading for the same diagnosis: the implosion. As incredible as it may seem, the factor "John", many years later, even indirectly, also becomes a relevant fact in this outcome, although in the case, the Popular Front, this time, present a picture of who was being eroded by their own entrails. At best, an H-pylori to accelerate the process. State Representative Odacy Amorim looks like a H-pylori?
Petrolina is a city emblematic. This was one of the expressions used by commentators to describe the political schism that was installed in the main party of the Popular Front that supports the government policy Eduardo Campos. In fact, Petrolina is a city in many ways emblematic. Organized social movements in that city had a very close relation with the Workers Party, still in the 80s, when the party was founded. Some of these leaders, like Isabel Cristina combative state representative, act in public life today.
In the 2008 elections, particularly by the absence of a consensus among parties in the front, Petrolina breached a group defeat by Governor Eduardo Campos. There, in the municipality of São Francisco Valley, several political leaders linked to the PSB, making it difficult to build party unity around one or another name that can qualify for the contest by the executive. With the departure of Fernando Bezerra Coelho, took office today Odacy Amorim state representative. I thought I could go to the polls in those elections and renewed its management, but the previous name indicated the Gonzaga Patriota. Odacy felt betrayed, hurt by getting enough fellow Socialists, which explains his departure from the party.
Divided, as already stated, the Popular Front would lose that election for the physician Julius Lossie, the PMDB. The victory in a major city such as Petrolina, Julius gave the star status of the national club, making the city strategic plans of the bosses of legend. On the other hand, break the hegemony of the PMDB possibly that city became a target among policymakers the Palácio do Campo das Princesas. City called "Bermuda Triangle", Petrolina radiates its influence and indicates trends among the cities of the Valley, hence its political and economic importance.
Maintained the integrity of the front, the leadership of Governor would be sufficient for adjustment or storage of egos in line. Split - with the migration of the Member State, Odacy Amorim, the PSB to the PT - opens up the possibilities for a reprise of the film of the last elections, maintaining the hegemony of the PMDB in the burrow of rabbits. This membership, as all the newspapers followed, caused a shudder among the parties of the Popular Front, taking leadership of the PSB - not necessarily linked to that city - the threat of retaliation for maneuver of the Workers Party. The elections of 2012 in Recife, then entered on the agenda, suggesting that the PSB, due to the broken agreements in Petrolina, only separated geographically by more than 700 km from Recife, feel free to throw a own candidature in Recife, as has long been speculated.
Some more moderate leaders of the guild, if Senator Humberto Costa and Pedro Eugenio, just tried to put on warm cloths Odacy affair, stating that the PT in no time, invited him to join the party. Pedro Eugenio - known in his conciliatory tone - that the result of some political leaders have joined the party does not necessarily mean that they will be candidates in the 2012 elections. Odacy then would have been in PT stimulated by the exercise of democracy within the legend. Soon he seems to have with previous trauma. Try to understand the ruling. The most exalted, as Jorge Perez, poured more fuel on the fire by Twitter microblogging, advocating the autonomy of the party in this matter.
The first fellow elected to public office by the PT - whether in the legislature or the executive - were feted by the very party. The editor of the blog remember a meeting of the party, which participated, occurred in a public school in Park May 13, where Nelson Pereira, the first mayor of the Workers Party in the state, was received enthusiastically by the membership. So this militancy to be disappointed because they wanted these simple municipal executives transform the world, deploying on earth a society full of social justice. The clash between those who graduated the first militants and praised the party's executives earned master's thesis - such as the political scientist Claudio Goncalves Couto, FGV - and also some administrative disasters.
Some trends have cost the party understand that when you enter the game of bourgeois representative democracy, an artful job of Articulation / Unity in Fight - the party is committed to respect some rules, that is, in short, heed the devices themselves political / legal inherent in the scheme. In interviews with Cláudio Gonçalves Couto, Luiza Erundina stated that they do not bore projects that the Executive had to be negotiated in some cases demanded - with political opponents, in certain arenas, and the legislature. Nor could rule "only" for the poorest, although the manager could focus their priorities in this social segment.
Diadema and Sao Paulo are two cases that are emblematic of the gap formed between the first managers and activists of the legend. Without public responsibilities inherent to the mayors, the militants put all your eggs in the defense of "theses" revolutionary, the first elected mayors torturing the legend. Just to clarify, Diadema is always presented as the first city run by PT. However, in conversations with the editor of the blog, when he was the PT, Paul Reuben insists that Santa Quiteria, in Ceara, was, strictly, the first city run by PT.
After Nelson Pereira, who reportedly would have been more a case of affiliation after being elected to the legend, the PT in the State would not present a significant growth since then, leading some members of the legend, as Oscar Barreto, weaving hard against the leaders of party, or properly to control the hegemonic tendencies of the party machine in the state, as the CNB. Based on this self-criticism and an attempt to adapt to national guidelines, the PT candidate should throw in some strategic cities of the metropolitan centers of cities and regions of the State. No consolidated leadership in these cities, the party climbed a team of more urban profile, although some with minor insertions in some of these cities. Pedro Eugenio Fernando Ferro, Teresa Leitão, Sérgio Leite.
In the scope of the Popular Front, there are some understandings, providing inviolable strongholds among the parties that make up the front, such as Olinda, Caruaru, Cape Recife, Petrolina, Serra Talhada. Failure to observe these rules is what is causing some tremors in the relationship between the parties of the Popular Front. Governor Eduardo Campos is keeping a fairly balanced in the process, always seeking to respect these boundaries. The dynamics of the political process, however, it seems is escaping its control, such as Olinda, Cable, even the Petrolina and Recife, where he sees the possibility of spray applications inside and outside the allied base.
Although the case of Petrolina indicate weaknesses in the front, providing clear evidence about the anticipation of its validity, often voiced by the editor of the blog, we believe that everything can be solved with a good barbecue in Bodódromo goat, accompanied by a beer ice, taking care to after a few sips, do not drink the cup of the neighbor to prevent the spread of H-pylori. The episode, however, is politically illuminating about the next chapters of the Popular Front.


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