sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

POLITICAL CHESS OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE RECIFE 2012 - "No matter the color of the cat, as long as it catches the mouse" - And if the yellow or spotted cats are better hunters than the red, João da Costa?

José Luiz Gomes writes:
The sociologist Gilberto Freyre in Brazil stated that it would be possible. Do not be surprised, for example, at a certain period, the celebration of carnival was scheduled for a Friday. Were alive, the sociologist of houses and large houses come to the conclusion that his claims - that would cause much surprise at the time - in fact, would have been confirmed here in the province, in the Pernambucan, specifically the town of Gravesend. In this city, the biggest attraction of the "festivities" of Holy Week is scheduled just for Friday, to the cheers of youth and protests from some members of the Catholic Church. If he went to heaven, must be laughing at random with respect to political engineering that is being mounted FJN, an arrangement that incorporates the stablishment actors who always identified by the difference, the absolute indifference to social inclusion and the more deeply rooted attachment to practices patrimonial. But this is already the subject of another article we are writing.
Caught the attention of a chronic political truce in Pernambuco intensification of mood that was occurring between the PSB and the PT around the Recife municipal elections next year. Surprisingly, the main political actors of the game, one year before the election, decided to lay down their arms. Humberto Costa went on to defend the legitimacy of the election of the PSB to the city, admitting even that the PT would abdicate the head plate. Fernando Bezerra Coelho, once so enthusiastic and willing to discuss the municipal administration, began to think in terms of building an application to drive the Popular Front, not necessarily his.
The reshuffle of Rousseff, which should occur in January, will be key to keeping pace with the Minister of National Integration. If you choose Edward, really, at heart the PT in the State, because of their national project, the application will be confirmed FBC in Recife, as was confirmed yesterday by Mr John Fernando Coutinho, in Jaboatao, all in accordance with the strategy outlined by PSB. As Recife, the country could not be Jaboatão out the plans of strategists Palace of the Princesses of the Field. Elias Gomes is an excellent dialogue with the governor, but a man of the party.
Arrangements indicate that in politics everything is possible. In Brazilian politics, then, to paraphrase Gilberto Freyre, nothing surprises us. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, told the New Yorker, he has been so virulent in charge of cleaning ethical Rousseff held by the Government admits that, on behalf of the government, Lula is right to ask her to go slow. Despite all the problems within the PT and the Popular Front, is possible in today's scenario, the party supports the candidacy for re-election of Mayor John Costa. It seems that only the voter can boot the backwoodsman who took water barrier that chair. Ultimately, it is healthy for democracy.
The national leaders of the guild are trying, through diplomatic channels, to resume dialogue between the two Johns, minimizing the possibility of a disaster at the polls. As we have pointed out the blog, is an almost impossible task, but in politics, as Paul said War, there is the words "never" or "never." Especially in politics, anything is possible.
In a recent meeting in the studios of TV Jornal do Commercio, during the recording of the Final Point Program, led by Aldo Vilela, the two were butt to butt, not greeted, and John Paul did not even stand to hear about it. John Costa, this aspect has been much more receptive to dialogue. Swears that John Paul will be with him in the re-election campaign. John Paul believes that John is his own Coast who is spreading these rumors. The national leadership of the PT would have nothing to do with it.
Aware that political circumstances began to signal the direction of the party's support to your project, Joao da Costa goes campaigning in earnest. Given an invitation Lavareda Antonio, was the anniversary of Congressman Sergio Guerra, one of the most cunning players of the political landscape of Pernambuco. Soon after, we know that the marketer who ran the institutional advertising of the City of Recife - trying to associate the municipal administration at the rate of development of the state - gave the cap. No confirmation, however, if the advertising would take Lavareda Antonio City Hall or the re-election campaign. Officially, the meetings have not yet reached the last. Remain at the stage of canapes. Since the last carnival.
It is said that John Costa was not well in photographs. Felt uncomfortable in the meeting, a move that caused some estrangement between the supporters of the party, episode already overcome. Somewhat absent from the debate on urban mobility - possibly a key theme for the upcoming municipal elections - João da Costa followed only in the State Government launches major projects for the sector, overshadowing its already so weak management. Asked about it, John gave to philosophize, recalling the reformist Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, who said that no matter the color of the cat as long as it catches the mouse.
It's always good to have a concern with these pussies, John Some of them are crazy to nest in the palace Antonio Farias. This bunch to talk only of the Popular Front. As if that was not enough, John, there is a tabby who now required a more overt surveillance, especially after the national news realized that he came to be fed in the vicinity of the Palace of the Princesses of the field. This is a new pussy, mottled green, blue and yellow. Obeys the command of the head honcho Sergio Guerra.
In a long posting on his blog, the journalist Josias de Souza, the Folha de Sao Paulo, with all the letters suggests that the governor Eduardo Campos provides some fished for yellow cat toucans nest, ie, Daniel Coelho. The government's strategy would be to lend - as commented - a mere formal support to the candidacy of John Costa - so if you do not lose sight of the consolidation of the alliance with the PSDB in construction, keeping in Brasilia FBC.
Recently, the governor complained that there were sectors of the PSDB and the PT's interested in seeing him at odds with Rousseff. He even disallow Ciro Gomes, when it said it might have reached even the time of the PSB to break with the PT. Of course, PT sectors working for the reelection of Rousseff are uncomfortable with the movement of Eduardo Campos. The same reasoning applies to the sectors of the PSDB advocating the candidacy of Senator Aecio Neves, possibly bothered by the PSB.
It's not secret that has already started the national project of "brat" of the gardens Nabuco Foundation. The ideal situation is to be built from the election of 2014, paving the way for 2018. If political circumstances permit, however, it can still enter the contest in 2014, something that takes some sleep PT, among them, Lula himself, with which the governor of Pernambuco has a relationship of friendship that goes beyond the partisan issues.
Despite its more than 27,000 votes in the capital in the last election, we believe that Daniel Coelho is not yet mature enough for the management of Recife, which must weigh when voters make their choices. At first we thought until Eduardo approach was intended to remove him from the influence of Jarbas Vasconcelos, which does not seem to correspond to the facts. The approaches Jarbas narrows now much more with that Raul Jungmann, in turn, either increasing distance of the PSDB, judging by the last Party Congress, held last Sunday. In the words of Raul, The PSDB has been sending signals of distance from the PPS, which requires the party to rebuild its alliance-building, now much closer to the chlorophyll of the Marines, who have found safe haven in the legend. It was decided on Sunday that the party will change to incorporate the symbol "V".
If these compositions are confirmed, then we will have at least two cats chlorophyllated running for mayor of Recife in the next years: Daniel Coelho, green mottled yellow and blue, and Raul Jungmann, red and green. Matter but the color of the cat. Pay Attention, John!

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