domingo, 11 de março de 2012

The environmental damage to the Maroon community of São Lourenço, Goiana,PE.

Mangroves near the Maroon community of São Lourenço, Goiana, PE. This is a very impoverished community, whose economic sustainability is related to the capture of crab uçá scarce in the community, especially after the installation of shrimp farms in captivity, which destroyed large stocks of mangroves. The state government aims to make major structural investments in that city as airport and seaport. Since the organizations working with the preservation of the environment become wide-eyed, especially after the New Gódigo laxity allowed by the Brazilian Forest biome in relation to this, fundamental to the survival of many espécies.O Government of Pernambuco has been much criticized because of the absence of a more effective defense of the environment, neglected in the context of a policy development widely applauded. We have commented here the need for the Government of Pernambuco to be aware of this issue. If the first expansion project of the Port of SUAPE be approved as it was, Eduardo Campos would become known as the governor chainsaw, would be the largest area of ​​mangrove destruction ever in the history of Pernambuco. In season, the installation of the farms - formed by a consortium of powerful economic groups in Pernambuco - the community of Goiás, mainly mobilized by Professor Carminha protested enough. In vain. I do not understand such aggression against a biome protected by the Constitution

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