sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Tijolaço de Jolugue: Dilma hefty

Another day Lula called pro- militancy Dilma to occupy social networks . The very Dilma Rousseff seems to have understood the message , since it resumed its activities in social networks which has profile , notably Facebook and Twitter . In recent days , significantly increased their participation in these networks , ranks today as one of the most influential of the microblog Twitter . In fact , in recent seasons , the PT has been very active in the networks , a fact that is worrying opponents , who complain of a fierce persecution by the supporters of the legend. Another political figure who resumed contacts the network was José Serra , especially after the bad news came to haunt the campaign of Senator mining Aetius Neves , who can not unite the party around your name nor advance research . Gradually begin to beat the toucans beaks , gathering around their candidates faced the same problems in previous elections , ie , the absence of a project that can counteract the PT coalition divided internally without motivations etc. . Here in the province , if we were to evaluate the participation in networks of a particular candidate neo - socialist , would say that is still weak and bland . The few inserts that keep up my profile , not necessarily the official , seem prepared for other vehicles and amateurishly , launched in networks. At this stage of the game the guys have already discovered that the eyes are the rustic green .

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