terça-feira, 14 de março de 2017

Editorial: Emílio Odebrecht opens the game

Emílio Odebrecht aparece no canto direito. Ao lado, o filho, Marcelo, e atrás o pai, Norberto (Foto: Divulgação)

There was great expectation surrounding the hearing between Embraer Odebrecht's patriarch Emílio Odebrecht and Judge Sérgio Moro, who directs the work of Operation Lava Jato. I believe that this expectation has not been broken, when we take as a reference, for example, the dynamics of the financing of political campaigns in Brazil, especially in what refers to illegal procedures, namely the so-called Box 2, that our political elite, Now, tries to institutionalize as a natural procedure. The speech of the patriarch of the group, at least in the audios that had accidentally re-emerged, was marked by a great balance when referring to the famous lists of the contractor, but he struck a few blows about our troubled political system.

Someone informed us that Emílio Odebrecht would have already instructed his son, Marcelo Odebrecht, to tell everything, not to hide anything, as former president Getúlio Vargas suggested to the fishermen who came to him at Catete Palace after the famous 1942 raid. He, however, denied the existence of a certain Department of Structured Works at the Construtora, also known as the Tipping Department, which was confirmed by its executives listed in the award-winning program. Prudente, avoided identifying some "nicknames" of the company's famous lists. Honestly, in his condition, I would not venture to identify who was, in fact, Viagra, Crab, Caju, Acarajé, The Boss, Italian, and so many others. I believe that the defense lawyers will have here elements consistent for the defense of their clients, although, strictly speaking, in the clogs know who it is. After all, Acarajé is a delicious Bahian cookie and nothing more. No one can be punished simply for being nicknamed that way. Lava Jato's task force will have to rely on the willingness of the informers to identify these figures, as the recent confirmation of one of them, claiming to be Palocci the Italian of the spreadsheets.

But what matters the most, that is, the dismantling of the irregular financing of political campaigns in Brazil, Emílio Odebrecht was precise: it is a common practice in Brazil, since long periods. It is attributed to him a phrase - I do not know if it is appropriate - where he would have said that the Construtora Odebrecht, through such cases with public agents, ruled the country in the last decades. I believe that if we look at the timeline of the contractor's existence, not even the military that ruled the country after the 1964 civil-military coup escapes this patriarchal remark of the group. The greatest misfortune is that, just as these facts are rising up the institutional surface, exuding their stinking odor of rottenness, this is where our political elite has made efforts to change legislation - even synonymy - in the sense of proceeding a species Of "normalization" of Box 2, or as the indefensible minister Gilmar Mendes said, it is necessary to separate the bad Box 2 from Box 2 good, in a free translation of this editor.

At this point, the whole political class, with very few exceptions, should unite around the theme. After all, there are few politicians who are not stuck with this excrescence of our agonizing political system. It would be a corporate law, of convenience and of an obscure purpose. There is our text, published here by the blog, for some time, that reaches a large audience in the blogosphere, inside and outside the country. It is a text about our spurious political alliances, that is, it deals precisely with the unrepresentative maneuvers of our political class in the sense of "pushing problems with the belly indefinitely." Lava Jato is a good example of this. At the moment it has escaped the strict limits imposed on reaching certain political actors, and has begun to spill over our conservative / ruling political elite, the broth seems to spill over to find ways to "staunch the bleeding," as She tried to legislate on her own.

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