sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017

Editorial: Where is the dirty list of sslave labor?

For some time now we have not noticed any positive news in our unstable political scene. Until a video, where senator Renan Calheiros (PMDB) appears swearing innocence, he is circulating through social networks and the blogosphere. This public man's resume of this citizen dispenses with the comments we could make about this video, that is, it becomes unnecessary to confront him, in the face of the evidences of such well-known conduct. From Renan Calheiros, it can be said - as political scientist Michel Zaidan observed one day - that even his hair is not true. To repeat, the political scenario could not be worse. Stagnant HDI, recession, subtraction of rights, public finances, record unemployment rates, civil rights violations, etc. In a political context such as this, the TSJ's postponement of the dissemination of the dirty list of slave labor, which became a parameter of human rights, is not surprising when it exposes to the public those bosses who violate the country's labor laws.

As can be seen, an indicator of the most relevant to social movements. Brazil, on the 20th, was denounced to the UN, due to the omission of the dissemination of this list. Judge Ives Gandra, who heads the STJ, was the one who ordered his suspension, but it is known that there was pressure from the Temer Government in this regard. The motivation would be to preserve - imagine - the rights of violators of labor legislation. The Temer government would have instituted a commission to reformulate and refine this list. In these pointed times, it seems that the biggest concern is even with the top floor of the social pyramid. Doubts on the subject are completely dissipated when the bench of the slave-owning oligarchy, with its representatives in parliament, is taken as reference, which gave support to the recently materialized institutional coup in the country. This group should be happier than I paint in the trash. And no less.

With this policy of dismantling the state, the worker never felt so fragile. It's your worst moment. The maneuvers follow one by one, all in the direction of subjecting him to the most vile treatment, reaching his job, his retirement, deregulating his rights. If they are not modest in shredding stony clauses of the Citizen's Constitution of 1988, do they imagine what they are not able to do with the CLT, which is a kind of constitution of the workers? Until recently it was approved the excrescence of a permissive outsourcing, which reaches the public service in full. I confess to you that I have lost the parameters of those exclusive careers of the State. After all, what state? It would be natural that there should be loosening here, when the purpose is even to dismantle it.

When it comes to slave labor legislation, it is known that there is a strong lobby of the "Berlinda" bench - this "B" is our credit, after knowing that the slave labor also supported the coup - in the sense of Soften the rules that address this issue, creating a license to amnesty the offenders and, consequently, allow for new violations. The advances that the country has achieved in the last decades are all retroacting to a very worrying level. The regressive agenda is wide and mercilessly reaches the strata that occupy the bottom floor of the pyramid, preserving the privileges of an elite who, over the years would have been known as the most cruel elite in the world, forged in three and a half centuries of slavery.

For writing a lot about regional or witty literature, I am cascavilhando books, dissertations and theses that approach this theme. These days, I had a curious experience. The dissertation of Carla de Fátima Cordeiro, about the black characters in the work of the paraiba writer José Lins do Rego, fell into my hands. I'm a bit suspicious, but I highly recommend Carla's work. Still with my researches, I discovered that the author ended up expanding her work for a doctoral thesis, this time about how the black was seen in the work of the Bahian writer, Jorge Amado. Carla's text, perhaps due to academic rigor, is quite thoughtful and measured. There, however, as one who lost his temper and sent the academic modesty to the beans, Carla, when analyzing the "saudade" of writers like Jose Lins do Rego and Gilberto Freire on that Northeast of times gone, she sapeca: Of which they Did they really miss you? Slavery, large latifundia, cane parties to lose sight of, and possibly licentiousness with the slave quarters. This regressive agenda now underway in the country seems to indicate that our elite has not yet changed its thinking enough on the subject.

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