domingo, 26 de março de 2017

Political Drops for Reflection: The lack of Our Elites

"For writing a lot about the literary genre or regional literature, I am cascavilhando books, dissertations and theses that approach this subject." I had a curious experience in those days. "The dissertation of Carla de Fátima Cordeiro, about the black characters in the I am somewhat suspicious, but I highly recommend Carla's work.I still with my research, I discovered that the author ended up expanding her work for a doctoral thesis, this time about how the black man was seen In the work of the Bahian writer, Jorge Amado.Carla's text, perhaps due to the rigors of the academy, is quite ponderous and measured, but there were many who, however, who lost their temper and sent the academic modesty, Carla, The "saudade" of writers like José Lins do Rego and Gilberto Freire on that Northeast of times gone by, sapeca: Of what they missed even? Of the slavery, of the great Latifundia, cane parties to lose sight of and, possibly, licentiousness with the slave quarters. This regressive agenda now under way in the country seems to indicate that our elite has not yet changed its thinking enough on the subject. "

(José Luiz Gomes, political scientist in an editorial published in the Political Context)

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