domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Editorial: Lula's contingency plan

As everyone knows, Lula must testify at a hearing convened for the beginning of May, at the 13th Federal Court of Justice, in Curitiba, in the presence of Judge Sérgio Moro, in the course of the investigations of Operation Lava Jato. There is great expectation about what is expected to happen in the capital of Paraná on that day, as supporters of the former president, apparently, do not stand by. These manifestations of solidarity with the former president would be natural, because of the public policies adopted during his administration, of an inclusive nature, strengthening the welfare state, now completely dismantled in only a few recently approved canetadas and laws, such as Outsourcing, which translates as a true dismantling of the CLT, which was the Constitution of the workers. I commented on social networks that the Law of Free Womb - so studied in our childhood - had just been revoked, because outsourcing will drastically precarious labor relations for our future generations.

But now there is something new about this front. A national circulation magazine has in its last edition a kind of contingency plan set up around former President Lula, and it is foreseen the moment of an eventual arrest by the Federal Police, determined by the courts. There is even a name for this plan, Operation Tamoios, which provides for the use of a WhatsApp group, with some numbers of party leadership and social movements, which will trigger the "device" once those facts are confirmed. With the coercive conduct imposed on blogger Guimarães, from the Blog da Cidadania, and the subpoena of Roberto Ponciano, for alleged crime of injury, by making some comments about Operation Lava Jato, we definitely entered a new phase of this operation. It begins to reach actors who are not directly involved in misappropriation or improper processing of public resources. Yesterday, through social networks, the blog editor kept in touch with Ponciano, to better understand what he is being accused of. We already have this material in hand. Soon we will inform our readers.

We will soon lose count of the number of people being sued by the court for an opinion offense, in uncontested proof that we are under a State of Exception. "Democratic normalcy" is nothing more than a play of the scene, much rehearsed by those who do not have the least respect for the rules of a Democratic State of Law. In a country where someone arises to affirm that Brazil owes a great deal to Eduardo Cunha, arrested in Paraná, accused of locupletar of deprived public resources, what would not be possible? We are thinking of dealing with this matter in more depth, building a kind of "Memorial of Arbitrary," dealing with each particular case. This country has a very short memory.

When Lula's coercive conduct was enacted for the first time - as they say to "protect him" - there have been some incidents to date that have not been fully understood. Circulated the information that the intention, in fact, was to lead the former president to be heard in the Federal Court of Paraná, more precisely, in the 13th Rod. In the end, Lula's testimony was given to the PF delegates, right there at the airport, avoiding major consequences. Despite these moments of anesthesia experienced by Brazilians - criticized by Paraguayans when they say that "we are not Brazilians" - I do not doubt that the PT can bring a legion of admirers to our beloved Curitiba on the day of their hearing. Strictly speaking, Lula is not running from anything and has no problem explaining himself. I would not refuse any invitation from justice for this purpose. The big thing is they do not want to just listen to you.

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