domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Political Drops for Reflection: The Void of Political Leaders left bay the " Eduardolization of Politics in Pernambuco"

"Yesterday we went back to writing our articles of monitoring of Pernambuco's politics.We started with a survey by the IPMN, which indicates that 74% of the population of Pernambuco disapprove of the Government of the State of São Paulo, which makes it the worst evaluated governor in history. Of the opposition, but some leadership that galvanizes this delicate political moment of the governor, appearing as a great alternative.In fact, the indexes of intentions of possible candidates are still vicious.The conclusion is this: the process of " "It is no exaggeration to say that Paulo Câmara is the reflection of a" political chance "created by Eduardo Campos in the wake of his presidential project, Which shows that the former governor did not trust the political foxes that accompanied him. optical Paulo Câmara could even works. In other circumstances, that's what I said. "

José Luiz Gomes, political scientist, in an editorial published here in the blog

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