domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Publisher: A new massacre of rural workers in Colniza. Until when?

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One of the great reforms that can not be made feasible in the country is the agrarian reform, demanded by abolitionists like Joaquim Nabuco and André Rebouças, from the time when the slaves were formally liberated. Not even in the governments of the PT coalition, despite the sensitivity to the problem, we have managed to advance sufficiently in this field, possibly due to the constraints imposed by the infamous "class conciliation" that allowed the rise to power of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The picture now tends to be aggravated by the fact that we find among the articulators of the institutional coup two strong nuclei, identified with the latifundia, such as the ox and berlinda benches or slavery.

Under the influence of these groups, the setback is visible. The dirty list of slave labor - an instrument through which civil society and social movements could become aware of farms that used slave labor in their activities - by a Government's determination was suspended or postponed under the argument of protecting individuality Of the owners, in a flagrant revelation of inversion of priorities. The lobby is also strong in the sense of a possible "loosening" of legislation on slave labor, following the logic of deregulation or demeaning workers' rights, whether urban or rural.

As noted by the MST leaders, the Colniza massacre in Mato Grosso, where 9 people were shot and stabbed in the last 20 days, was a kind of tragedy announced, since it is an extremely vulnerable area , Where the unwellness between landless and farmers are constant. According to Pastoral da Terra, other deaths would have already occurred at the site, known as Taquaraçu do Norte. The curious thing is that this massacre occurs precisely in the week in which it celebrates 21 years of the Massacre of Eldorado dos Carajás, in Pará, where 19 rural workers were killed.

If we consider this political and institutional environment "muffled" in which we are living, the slaughter of Colniza is added to a rigorous siege of the capital on the land titles of indigenous communities and quilombolas. There is an attempt that the concessions of these lands be revised. In the opinion of the grileiros and their minions with seat of the parliament, there is much land for little Indian. A huge setback, but understood in the context of a political atmosphere of a coup character, in collusion with a well-known neoliberal agenda, as opposed to the welfare state.

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