sexta-feira, 14 de abril de 2017

Publisher: Odebrecht's checkmate in our political system

Resultado de imagem para Emílio Odebrecht/Lula

The allegations of the heirs, former executives and executives of the Odebrecht building caused a kind of political tsunami of gigantic dimensions. The reins of our political system, as we know, are very fragile, even in a context of institutional rupture, where, in theory, measures to stop bleeding are always possible, as a way of not harming the political actors directly involved in the coup. The country has reached a rather complicated dilemma: either it rebuilds its political system from the debris of Odebrecht's delusions, or succumbs at once, realizing that it is a country that can not be taken seriously, a corrupt coup republiqueta , Whose democracy is but a great misunderstanding, as advocated by the historian Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. Among the political actors who swarm this rotten environment, who, in fact, would have the integrity and moral stature to pass this country clean? Like the readers of this text, this publisher has also not glimpsed anyone in a nearby universe. The most likely in this fertile ground is the emergence of the so-called "saviors of the fatherland", of the type "against all that is there".

The big problem is that these actors, tangled to the marrow in the donations and spreadsheets of the Odebrecht Conspirators, who plotted the downfall of President Dilma Rousseff. Today these political actors are discredited, with the prestige dirtier than chicken coop, some already in prison, others on the verge of being them, acting as castaways in search of a lifeline. Even Lula - imagine - already appears as a Salvationist alternative for this political troupe. A privileged forum in these circumstances counts a lot. It is good to keep in mind that the siege also closes on former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. It does not seem to us that anyone has any more doubts about his verdict. In such circumstances, until 2018, Lula is much more concerned with defending himself than of taking on a candidacy. An application, in these terms, could well be credited to the arsenal of defense of its lawyers. In fact, there was not a single stone left in the middle of this cycle of public and private promiscuity, revealed by Odebrecht. The Brazilian political system is in the ICU, in a state of coma.

The information provided by the president of the Odebrecht Group, Emílio Odebrecht, is impressive. Not only because of the non-republican character relations maintained between their executives and the political class - of all shades - but also because of a curious observation about the group's learning about business with the State, whether in the field of Plan, as was the case in other countries. During his speech he confided to the judge that he heard his subordinates sent to other countries to learn to participate in competitive bids, within the rules of the market, according to legality, without this "outside" story. Here, from what has been said, the biddings are not just mere formalities, since business is decided in the rush of nebulous meetings, watered by wines, canapés and fat tips. I remember that, not infrequently, the PMDB claimed to be discredited in the Dilma Government, demanding more government posts to implement its "program." Today we know very well what this "program" was.

When the scandal broke out, the former deputy Roberto Jefferson, whose party had indicated that citizen - caught in the act when he was receiving money - at a post office, when asked by his peers about that procedure, Would have said anything as if it were natural, a common practice, including the PT and the Lula government's supporters. I no longer remember the exact term, but it was as if the public office was only a window for the conduct of scandal deals, with the purpose of subtracting the treasury in the name of the formation of party boxes and the illicit enrichment of its operators. In his statements, the patriarch of the Odebrecht Group, Emílio Odebrecht confirms exactly that, that is, the occupation of public offices in Brazil - although this can not be generalized - is exercised not to serve the public, meeting the demands of the ordinary citizen, who Pays its taxes to pay for the machine, but to leverage the banquet of diversions of resources through promiscuity between public and private agents.

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