sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Publisher: The PIG massacre against Lula

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Honestly, in the face of these award-winning donations from the Odebrecht contractors' heirs, executives and former executives, it is very difficult to separate the tares from wheat in this scorched earth scenario. I believe this is the feeling of all the Brazilian citizen, those who wake up early, work, pay their taxes and walk within the law. As we stated in a recent editorial, here is a kind of "trivialization" of corruption. I do not know if you paid any attention to this, but I did not notice the slightest embarrassment on the part of the Odebrecht Company informers when they revealed the details in the maracutaias in which they participated, involving public agents. So was Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi in charge of transporting thousands of Jews to death during World War II. Asked in this regard, he stated that he performed only one "job", in the best possible way, without any ethical cleavage. He only wanted recognition from the boss for doing a good job.

A minimally informed observer has already realized that the circus has already been set up in the sense of a conviction of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The "movement" of the PIG is absolutely predictable, in the sense of creating the "climate" necessary for the dispatch of a certain judge, who should listen to the former president on May 3. Everything very well concatenated, everything very well orchestrated, obeying a schedule previously agreed upon. Regardless of the readers who are reading this text - among those who consider Lula guilty and those who believe in his innocence - I do not think there is any doubt about this "integrated action" involving the "big newspapers" of the print media, Plim plim and, of course, that magazine with the highest weekly circulation, which stamps on its cover this week a kind of anticipation of the verdict. I mean, guilty or innocent, Lula will be condemned. The editorial of the newspaper of the Marinho family treats him like head of gang.

Strictly speaking, the siege is closed against former President Lula. If there was already a "predisposition" to condemn it, the circumstances worsened after the compromising statements of the owner of the OAS Construction Company, Léo Pinheiro. Léo was a kind of friend of the ex-President Lula's chest. Avenged in the course of Operation Lava's work, they said, he would have made a "tailor-made" statement to incriminate the former president, including giving ammunition to such a judge even to seek a pre-trial detention of the former president for obstruction of justice , Understood as true statements by Léo Pinheiro, which ensures that the former president would have asked for compromising evidence to be destroyed. Like the former president's lawyers, we do not believe that Léo can "prove" his claims, but a climate of institutional and legal insecurity makes it all possible.

This is not a good time for former President Lula. The psychological damage of this systematic persecution is inevitable. There are those who report that he has taken exaggerated care of his safety by being sure to be tracked by his executioners. No cell phones think. They are strictly forbidden in their conversations with friends and interlocutors. The polls indicate that the candidate who appears best positioned, and his rejection rate is also high, above 50% of the electorate. In a crazy race of candidates who have never been tested in the polls of a presidential election - as is the case of Bolsonaro, Doria, Luciano Hulk - the unpredictability of the election is evident, especially in this moment of ascendancy of candidates with a conservative profile.

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