sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017

Publisher: All the president's men

Resultado de imagem para michel temer

A thorough investigative journalism work by two young Washington Post reporters culminated in the resignation of US President Richard Nixon. Later, the episode would win the screens with the film "All the Men of the President". I will not go into the details of the Watergate scandal here, because they are too well known, and have reported to them more than once on the blog. But today, observing the stampede of the men of confidence of President Michel Temer (PMDB) of the Planalto Palace, I had to remember this movie. Of his special advisers, only one remains in office. 04 of them have already asked for exemption, alleging the most different reasons, but some also entangled in denunciations of behavior incompatible with what is expected of a public man.

We even try to soften in writing, but, here for us, what special advice, in? On the floor of the political carriage, one knows very well what was the specialty of these people. Jose Yunes, Rodrigo Rocha Loures - the man in the suitcase - Tadeu Fellippeli, arrested on charges of having benefited from misappropriated funds in the renovation of the Mané Garrinha stadium in Brasília; And, finally, Sandro Mabel. There is a kind of curse on the third floor of the Alvorada Palace, but the curse is widespread there. Fellippeli's arrest further complicates the already agonizing Michel Temer government. The government is over and even the pretenses of normality today can not disguise the agenda that begins to be built with sectors of the opposition in order to build a political bridge possible until the 2018 elections. The radical reform of Social Security, for example, to relieve All Brazilian workers, have no chance of moving forward. At least not as was thought by the Temer Government.

This political opportunity to build a democratic bridge until the 2018 elections can not be lost. I quite liked the attitude of the opposition yesterday, asphyxiating the pattern of improbable normality that was tried to pass in the legislative houses. The political system needs, rather, a solution to the crisis that has arisen in the Executive, after the recordings that took President Michel Temer in a situation that is not in keeping with his position. It is correct the reasoning of the president of the OAB, in affirming that it matters little the quality of the recordings realized by the entrepreneur Joesley Batista. What is at stake is the un Republican relationship maintained by Mr. Michel Temer with this citizen. Speaking of OAB, there is great expectation about what will be the behavior of Mr. Rodrigo Maia, when confronted with the request for impeachment prompted by the order. There are already twelve, but the OAB comes with a symbolic and political capital that can not be despised.

There are those who report that the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, son-in-law of the Angora cat, sees in this political crisis a rare opportunity to hold the helm until the 2018 presidential elections. Play now for the audience, play now in order to do Pass by a faithful squire of President Michel Temer. No name that was directly or indirectly involved with the coup plotters that drove President Dilma Rousseff to be trusted at this time. Perhaps the best solution is even a direct election - albeit unlikely if we analyze the correlation of forces at stake - by setting the streets as the major deliberative instance of solving this impasse. What is the supposed modesty about constitutional rules when it is known that she was violently attacked by the agents of that government on duty? Calling for new direct elections would ultimately be a way of pulling out the apparatus that keeps our political system breathing precariously - not to let it die, but instead - to return it to the recovery room.

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