terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017

Publisher: The ingenuity of Mr. Michel Temer

We are plunged into a gigantic political impasse, with no prospect of a short-term solution. What we can think of right now is the need to build secure bridges for the future. In this muted political environment, a favorable environment is created, including the aggravation of the problems inherent in an institutional coup now underway in the country. Crisis of governability, political and institutional crisis, economic crisis, crisis of credibility. In a television program, a political scientist pointed out that research indicates that 30% of the Brazilian population is susceptible to an authoritarian solution. Perhaps he did not even need to report this, if we paid attention to the posters circulating in the demonstrations of the "coxinhas" all over the country.

Before the show was Dias Dias Eram Assim, TV Globo conducted a survey where it was found that a significant contingent of our population has no idea what the military dictatorship was in place in the country with the civil-military coup of 1964. Not really It is possible to believe that the people who imposed those posters - some with very serious mistakes of Portuguese language - can, in fact, have an idea of ​​what those days were. A co-worker reported that a relative of his was arrested for inquiries simply because he was wearing red pants on the sands of Copacabana. The citizen was gay. He was a guerrilla, at best, of freedom of sexual choice. This is not surprising, considering the fact that during the popular demonstrations of the June Days the open inquiry against the participants, called the "Black Bloc Inquiry", called for the "indictment" even of a Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, Caught in the phone cramps.

Michel Temer, even in the face of the facts that indicate and recommend his immediate departure from the country's executive branch, clings to the position, negotiating with the leaders of allied parties at one end, and in the A legal battle that must be fought with the Federal Supreme Court, where he is investigating against his conspiracies as President of the Republic. Strictly speaking, part of the political system is paralyzed, and those reforms that were presented as a matter of urgency, now rest quietly in a shower of water, awaiting the course of political events. Some parties have already disembarked from the allied base, but the so-called hard core, ie the DEM and the PSDB remain awaiting the confirmation, by the full STF, of the green light of the progress of investigations against the president. Even the competence of the minister Édson Fachin is being questioned by his defense lawyers, since the JBF roll involves other operations that Fachin would not have "competence" to judge. They want to know, even, how the lottery took place. I have no doubt - just like the reader - that they would like another name to be drawn, if you understand us.

It is difficult to build a consensus on a 'minimum agenda', which would at least allow the functioning of the institutions. With the possibility of a possible resignation of the President, it is also known that the requests for impeachment filed with the President Of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM), will have difficulties to be accepted. A man is sought in the Brazilian Legislative Power with moral stature, public spirit and leadership capacity to lead a transition until the elections of 2018.It is difficult for the We can try someone from "outside", a former president, a former magistrate, someone who approaches the profile described above.There are also those who see difficulties in the approval of the PEC of Miro Teixeira , Which calls for immediate elections to be called in. I do not see why some people advocate any difficulties here, since hardly the clamor of the streets could leave R to be heard at this time, although he understands that, by the constitutional regiment, the election would have to be indirect.

Here in the province of Pernambuco, the picture is also very unstable, since Pernambuco was temporized with 05 ministries in the Temer Government. Roberto Freire (PPS) handed over the job, I believe, taking advantage of the "deja" because he should not be very well as Minister of Culture. Raul Jungmann, also of the PPS, remains in charge of the Ministry of Defense not to be unemployed. He is a substitute and the chances of assuming the title of deputy are remote. Bruno Araújo (PSDB), the last of the vote for the annulment of Dilma Rousseff's warrant - which cried out against corruption in the governments of the PT coalition - even wrote a resignation letter, but decided to file it on the advice of the party. Fernando Bezerra Coelho Filho, although the PSB has disembarked from the government, remains as Minister of Mines and Energy. Apparently, there is no inconsistency here, since its indication to the Was virtually wrested by his father, Senator Fernando Bezerra Coelho (PSB). The Minister of Education, Mendonça Filho (DEM), is one of those allies of the first order. He will be one of the last to leave the governing ship. 

On Monday, the newspaper Folha de São Paulo brought a long interview with President Michel Temer. These are very clever questions, but it is well known that with the support of his lawyers, advisors, and supporters, he would certainly know how to stand out from embarrassment. Michel Temer is one of those great foxes of Brazilian politics. Rumor has it that he has prepared the fry of President Dilma Rousseff since 2014, when she was elected for the second term. In the sharpness of the political crisis that took over her government, as one of the last resources, Dilma indicated that fox to try in order in the henhouse of the allied base. Well. In the interview he gave to the Frias family newspaper, there, to many, when asked about the receipt of someone investigated, in the official residence of Jaburu, late at night, without appointment, with this person kept those dialogues little republican, the president Says a naive person. Everything but that, Michel Temer.

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