sábado, 6 de maio de 2017

Publisher: Lula x Moro - The Great Encounter

Judging from a recent interview by former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to the journalist Kennedy Alencar, SBT, it is possible to conclude that he is quite prepared for what awaits him at the scheduled hearing to take place on the 10 th, Federal of Paraná, where he is expected to meet face-to-face with Judge Sérgio Moro, in charge of Lava Jato investigations. It can not be said that the conservative media stopped fulfilling its script in this process. It is enough to observe the headlines of the main national magazines; Highlights from major newspapers; Of the dedication in the television editions of the station of plim plim, emphasizing the declarations of Mr. Renato Duque, who help, according to them, to materialize a project conceived from the beginning, that is, to condemn the former president Lula, pointing him as A kind of "gang leader" or mentor of the fraudsters with public money happened at state-owned Petrobras.

As of the date of this meeting, the massacre against the former president tends to intensify. It is natural that this should be so in the sense of preparing public opinion for an inevitable condemnation. Some caution must be taken with certain statements, but the spontaneous testimony of Mr. Renato Duque, a week before the ex-president Lula's audience, is not without its strange. It seems even that "silver bullet" used by his accusers. The country is experiencing a most delicate moment and, in this context, Lula's judgment assumes an eminently political character. Despite the wear and tear of its association, the PT, Lula is still, as Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos, the political scientist, the biggest political capital of the country, who are being stripped of their rights, demeaned by the dismantling of the state of Social well-being.

This political environment of scorched earth is a breeding ground for adventurers, "novices", anti-politicians, "snake eggs" and other species of the genus. But the concrete fact is that the former metallurgist still appears well in the rear view of those who abhor him, creating some embarrassment in the concert of maintaining regular presidential elections. At first, a new edition of a "class conciliation" seems unlikely at this time, being more prudent for the coup elite a name of "cradle" and not an "emergent", even if emergent is well-behaved, as was the Lula in his two terms, not by changing his historical privileges. As former PM Jose Dirceu admitted, if the PT were to return to power, some reforms would have to be made anyway.

While maintaining the rules of representative democracy, ie in the event of direct elections in 2018 - do not forget the gentlemen that we are under a regime of exception - it is recommended that progressive field forces begin to think of alternatives to Lula once That the conservative movement of the last days only confirms our suspicions raised from the beginning: the purpose is to make it unfeasible. They must be justified in the testimony of the last few hours, by the absolute inconsistency of the other charges against the PT, such as the fictional narrative created around the Guarujá triplet, as well as in relation to the Atibaia site. In a climate of legal "exceptionality", dubious oral testimonies became more consistent than material evidence. The cover of two of the major weekly magazines gives the dimension of what we say about the "movement".

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