segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2017

Publisher: The Novel of Award Winning

The ideological battle that is waged around this Operation Lava Jet is creating some unusual situations. Lula, who is being unjustly accused of benefiting from the robberies perpetrated at state-owned Petrobrás - referring here to the case of the Guarujá triplet - is pointed out by some journalists and bloggers who sometimes "pose as a victim" or "cowardly" In accusing, according to the version of these journalists and bloggers, the blame for the nebulous transactions involving that property to his wife, deceased until recently, Marisa Letícia. As we stated in yesterday's editorial, a discursive narrative about the former president is constructed with the explicit purpose of completely destroying his public image. We find here some creative writers, perhaps specialists in discursive narratives, that could even be used in other departments of the plim plim broadcaster. Judging by the level of novels exhibited today by that broadcaster, there are professionals underutilized in its picture.

As we stated in another editorial, it is not a matter of defending former President Lula, but those precepts that should govern justice, that is, you can not condemn someone against such fake accusations, some of them the result of the creativity of some "boy" Without the least legal consistency. This "boy" seems more versed in Power Point than proper in the Penal Code. This "debate" has been interesting for some of the studies we are undertaking on manipulating information and convincing techniques of public opinion. I can not fail to mention here a version of a local columnist pointing out that this strategy of "victimization" that is supposed to be adopted by Lula would be raising the sympathy of a less educated electorate. The illustrious journalist should be aware of a more serious fact: the "damage" of the strategy of accusing Lula of transferring responsibility for possible irregularities concerning the property of Guarujá to his ex-wife, Dona Marisa. Adjectives like cowardly, bad-tempered, swarm in social networks.

Someone complained that former Lula's lawyers now act more as communications advisers than defense lawyers. The reason for this is very simple: they must counteract a discursive narrative systematically constructed by the media and other operators. War is more ideological and communication than legal. There is no material evidence against Lula, but a "discursive narrative," against which he is much more difficult to defend himself. Here in the province, by the absolute absence of agenda to enter the air, a journalist created a fantasy of such a hairy leg that would be attacking the people. The journalist came to be activated by the state security organs, given the repercussion that the fact reached, with numerous people reporting having seen such a hairy leg and even swearing to have taken a beating of it.

If the social imaginary and the late classes of Professor Danielle de Peron Rocha Pita (UFPE-FUNDAJ) help us to understand this dynamic, on the other hand, it is not admitted that our judicial apparatus is "carried away" by this "wave" Condemning someone solely based on "phrases" and vile comments, produced by a powerful communication apparatus, which would have a vague interest in the achincalhe of certain political actors. And the excitement and the "fussiness" - as our grandparents would say - do not stop there. The reading of some journalists and bloggers identified with this "discursive narrative" allows us to conclude that they have "demanded" the preventive detention - one more - of the former president Dilma Rousseff, after the publicity piece produced by his ex-marketers, with With the intention of escaping from harsher, more complicated sentences that are in the investigations of Operation Lava Jet. As our former president emphasized, the password "Lula" is capable of producing miracles. Individuals have their penalties reduced and still count on a "rebate" in accounting for illicitly returned resources.

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