quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2017

Publisher: Brazil, an unlikely country

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The sentence that will be handed down by federal judge Sérgio Moro in the context of the Lava Jato Investigations, involving former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is awaited for the next few hours. This action in particular concerns the case of the triplet in Guarujá, where the former president is accused of receiving the property as a kind of payment for benefiting the group OAS, in little republican contracts with state Petrobras, in his government. The defense alleges that there is no material evidence to indicate that Lula is the real owner of this property, but yesterday the executive Léo Pinheiro, again stated that the property "always" was reserved for Lula. The attorneys for the former president also claim that the building where the property is situated would have been given as a guarantee to Caixa Econômica Federal, as a result of OAS transactions with that bank - which would prevent the sale of the apartments - but the Bank already informed that the clauses would not prevent the commercialization of the property. The tendency is that the president is even condemned as part of the strategy of isolating him politically.

I am half absorbed, trying to understand what is happening in the country. In these moments, almost always, a series of reflections of national personages, of the most diverse fields of action, comes to mind. The last one is from a Pernambuco, the writer and playwright Nelson Rodrigues, who said that Brazil is an unlikely country. In fact it is. The argument used by Minister Gilmar Mendes, when giving his vote of minerva for the approval of the campaign accounts of Dilma / Temer was not to deepen the institutional crisis that the country began to cross after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. As a result of the political carriage, the crisis has not only not been stagnant, but is getting worse every day, with the chair of the Presidency of the Republic occupied by a president without legitimacy, without popular support, with strong indications pointed out by the Federal Police to have Committed a crime of passive corruption in the exercise of the mandate.

We are prolonging the suffering of an entire nation by reason of a political system that still finds mechanisms of self-survival, allied to sectors of the judiciary that seem to overlook the seriousness of the problem. In no way will we bypass the crisis being managed by a ruler with this profile, who has been adopting a program of extremely damaging measures for the working class. Yesterday, faced with the impasses that prevent the government from controlling its allied base, the labor reform suffered a blow to one of the Federal Chamber committees. Nothing so definitive, but that represents a certain breath. In conversation today, with political scientist Michel Zaidan, he said he believed that the only possible way out for Michel Temer is to stop taking the chair of President of the Republic.

The political system, however, protects itself as never before. Rodrigo Maia refuses to accept the various requests for impeachment that were referred to the Federal Chamber, including the OAB. If the government falls, a bunch of public agents fall, and they must lose the privileged forum, as is the case of the minister Moreira Franco, his son-in-law. Rodrigo Maia is also in a hurry to submit to the Federal Chamber a possible request for an investigation by the President, formulated by the Attorney General's Office. Time is pressing because it is difficult to secure the support of an increasingly precarious base of support. The government points out the toucans as responsible for the last defections that resulted in this defeat. The supposed dilemma of the toucans has been discussed here on more than one occasion. One of the motivations, as always, is also a kind of self-protection. There are many toucans with dirty wings. The Grand Master Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who defended the permanence in the government, returned to reassess the situation.

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