quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2019

Publisher: Democracy in vertigo

 Resultado de imagem para democracia em vertigem

I just watched the documentary by Petra Costa, Democracy in Vertigo, recently released by Netflix. There are already four documentaries produced addressing the 2016 coup in Brazil: The Process (Maria Augusta Ramos), Excellencies (Douglas Duarte), The Wall (Lula Buarque) and Democracy in Vertigo (Petra Costa). I have not had the opportunity to watch the others yet. Petra's documentary has received a lot of praise and even a possible nomination for an Oscar for the documentaries category. I analyze the documentary by Petra Costa as a political scientist, refraining from making other considerations, certainly more pertinent to the people of the cinematographic field, which is not our beach.

Our lens is the lens of Political Science. In this aspect, the documentary does not bring great news, except for the blatant scenes of savagery produced by the intensification of the political moods of those dark days, with reflections to this day. A sharpening, indeed, intensely stimulated, when it should be restrained, in the name of a civilized coexistence. We refer here to the chain of successive events that culminated in the coup of 2016, identifying the political actors who participated in these tessituras, such as the international financial banking, consorted with sectors of the political and economic elite, aligned with segments of the media and the judiciary. As Petra Costa notes, we are a republic of families. One day they get tired and take power. This "tiredness" or indisposition of our elite with the rules of the democratic game, Petra Costa, is in fact a constant. The country lives of authoritarian upheavals, with few moments of tranquility and democratic normalcy. It is a democracy bound to be unbound.

I recorded here an interview granted by an American jurist who, well before the recent leak of the audios of The Intercept Brazil, already pointed out the clamorous flaws in the process that condemned the former president Lula to the prison. The failures in the conduct of the process that has condemned Lula, as his defense has pointed out, are blatant since then. What the website brings again is the fabric of the frame of this plot, consubstantiating what impartial lawyers had already denounced. Incidentally, at the end of the speech, the jurist concludes that the greatest guarantee of a fair trial for a defendant is an impartial judge. In a country with a minimum of democratic normality and legal order, the evil would have been avoided since the illegal staples and the subsequent leakage of them, an affront to the Constitution.

A renowned jurist from Pernambuco, after watching the documentary, was impressed by the suffering of President Dilma Rousseff. In fact, yes. She cries a lot when she remembers the fear of the torture sessions she was subjected to, the cancer that she has overcome, and the death of our democracy. After the presidential elections, with Dilma Rousseff's victory, her executioners had already decided that she would not rule. Leaks from The Intercept Brazil site - the material is said to be robust - help us understand the coup sewing, the interests at stake, and its main architects. As the journalist Luis Nasiff observed, the republic fell along with the plane that drove former Federal Supreme Court Justice Teori Zavascki, who was determined to prevent excesses.

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