sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2021

Publisher: Humanitarian disaster in Manaus

Still impacted by those horrible scenes, shown yesterday on TV, with people dying from lack of oxygen in hospitals in Manaus, capital of the State of Amazonas. There is an ongoing humanitarian disaster of gigantic dimensions, which should be responsible for many other deaths, if urgent measures are not taken, since the absence of oxygen directly impacts not only on patients with breathing difficulties, as a result of complications caused by Covid-19, but on so many other patients, such as newborns, seriously injured in a coma, etc. Manaus has always faced great difficulties with the coronavírus. Who here, among our beloved readers, does not remember those other shocking scenes, the collective burials and pits hurriedly dug by excavators? Yeah. It has always been said that if the virus were spread in Manaus, we would be facing an announced tragedy. One of the difficulties would be related to the monitoring or monitoring of infected people. At the beginning of the pandemic, Manaus had one of the highest rates of infected and sick by the coronavírus, showing, shortly thereafter, a significant drop in cases, which led to a possible relaxation of preventive measures, perhaps due to a foregone conclusion that the city was under the stage of herd immunity, which is not confirmed by this new incidence of cases. What happened yesterday, in Manaus, is the fear that is installed in all hospital networks in other States, that is, the inability to meet the demand of patients infected with the coronavírus, hence the need for extra care with prevention .

Our assessment is that not only the State of Amazonas, but the country as a whole handled this problem very badly. Here in Pernambuco, for example, there is a recommendation from scientist Miguel Nicolelis - who advises the Northeast Consortium - where an immediate lockdown for the metropolitan region of Recife is recommended. At the moment, as preventive measures adopted by the State Government, only one meeting with the mayors of the coastal region, where it was defined that some disciplinary measures were adopted in order to avoid agglomerations. It is only now that a proposal to shut down access to the beaches has been timidly considered. In fact, to be fair, Nicolelis' recommendation would be to adopt a national lockdown immediately, as recently enacted in the capital Belo Horizonte, despite protests by traders and sabotage actions, treated as civil disobedience. 

On the scientific carriage floor, science has yet to discover much about this virus. There are people without symptoms that transmit it; cured people who get the virus again after a few months; there are doubts about whether the vaccines now in use would guarantee permanent or only temporary immunity to the virus; the variants are becoming increasingly lethal and transmissible, possibly one of them contaminating Amazonians with such speed. In this context, the greatest prevention would still be those precautions recommended since the beginning of the pandemic, that is, avoiding crowds, using the mask, washing your hands frequently with alcohol in gel or yellow soap. It's been months of living with this stress caused by confinement, but there is no other way. Unfortunately, people are not adopting these measures and disrespecting the quarantine, judging by the impulse seen in tourist activities in recent months, with airlines celebrating the return of the almost "normality of operations", as well as the hotel chain, with the high bed occupancy rates. On the last day of 2020, the Police had enormous difficulties in containing illegal parties to celebrate the turn of the year. 

The problem is compounded by the fact that we are living in the era of negativism and fake news. The moment becomes even more apprehensive, since we are fencing with madmen, as the presenter William Bonner said yesterday during the Jornal Nacional, possibly based on disclosures of lies that try to discredit the data presented by the pool of communication companies who gathered to collect and disseminate them, informing the population about the number of cases and deaths caused by the coronavírus in the country. The other day one of these insane people was asked to withdraw from an interview program after peremptorily denying the military dictatorship in Chile, one of the bloodiest in the continent, responsible for thousands of political deaths and disappearances, a scar that the country faces even today.

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