domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2021

Publisher: I repeat Dráuzio's words: I can't wait to be vaccinated

( Foto do médico Miguel Nicolelis)

The country faces its most critical political moment, with unpredictable developments. The political tourniquet is being increasingly tightened due to the worsening of the public health crisis that the country is going through, with the possibility that facts such as those that occurred in Manaus may be repeated in other places, as predicted by scientists, who always said they were unforeseen. the relaxation of preventive measures, including suggesting the permanence of the lockdown - which should not be abandoned - as a measure to prevent the proliferation of the virus, creating hordes of patients in need of treatment, with hospital networks strangled without being able to serve them. Before, it was the problem of the absence of ICU beds, a problem now worsened by the absence of oxygen. In Manaus, in the face of chaos, the infected people's own homes are turning into makeshift hospitals.

Until recently, heard by the scientist Miguel Nicolelis, who advises the Northeast Consortium, immediately recommended a national lockdown. As there is a clash between public health and the economy, such recommendations are generally not taken very seriously, bringing known consequences, such as the exponential increase in cases of contagion and deaths, this time with one more aggravating factor: the various mutations of the virus , in some cases more lethal and with greater capacity for dissemination. Added to this, the contingent of irresponsible people spreading lies on social media, further aggravating the already chaotic situation. Thankfully, the administrators of these networks are taking punitive measures to combat the spread of these fake news, macabre technology used during the last presidential elections, as a political weapon to destroy opponents. 

In a scenario that is already dangerously critical, we still have to monitor the political use of this public health drama experienced by the country - such as the arm wrestling in relation to the distribution of vaccines - or the opportunistic pronouncements of the "starchy", with an eye on the elections of 2022. I have already stated here, and I repeat again, that citizen would be able to step on his mother's neck to achieve his goals. He is an absolutely unreliable political actor. He can criticize the Devil and I do not inspire the least credibility or confidence, because it is known that his real intentions are even worse than those of the Devil. It is depressing to know that there are leftist and progressive sectors flirting with this guy, in political arrangements for the 2022 presidential elections. We are well aware of the complicated political situation we face, but honestly, I do not know if it is worth so much sacrifice to reach the conclusion that we switched boats, but the storm continues to produce its tsunames. Márcio França unmasked him in a debate. He did not win those elections, but our great admiration for the service rendered to res publica. 

I anticipate that we may have problems in relation to the request of the Ministry of Health, which determined that the six million doses of the CoronaVac vaccine, produced by the Butantan Institute, should be sent to Brasília, with the aim of centralizing distribution throughout the country. Butantan, on this matter, has already anticipated that it considers it inappropriate to send to Brasilia the doses that would be applied in the State of São Paulo. I don't know if the Ministry of Health has a letter up its sleeve, because, like Dráuzio Varela, I can't wait to get the vaccine, whatever it may be. In any case, I am concerned with the "D" day and the "H" time defined by Minister Eduardo Pazzuelo, informing that it would be on Wednesday. There are many logistical contingencies and political embarrassments at play. But we hope that political issues are overcome and deadlines are met.

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