domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2022

Publisher: Returning to face-to-face classes now would not be prudent

A boy raised free as a rooster from Campina, we have the real dimension of what it means, for children, the pleasure provided by the re-encounter with their peers on the return to face-to-face classes. Such affective pleasures, in turn, will be very important for the development of their personality and the processes of socialization and learning. Child psychologists, in turn, have already highlighted several psychological problems as a result of the confinement condition - imposed by Covid-19 in its first phase - where children had to monitor the activities of the school year remotely.

In an autobiographical text, Meus Verdes Anos, the writer from Paraíba, José Lins do Rêgo, reports a fact that this editor considers the worst torture for a child, that is, being deprived of contacts and games with peers. As he suffered from asthma or "pulled" - in the language of his northeastern regionalism - in moments of crisis, he was such a person who couldn't do this, couldn't do that. illness, was hearing the racket promoted by the bagaceira kids, in the early morning or late afternoon, and not being able to participate in it, as he confesses.

However, due to the level of the sanitary carriage in the country, common sense and the necessary prudence are recommended for postponing the return to face-to-face classes this semester. The country, successively, has been breaking all records for contamination by the Ômicron variant, which has contributed to a no less worrying increase in the number of deaths, which has been on an upward curve for 12 days, despite considerable advances in the vaccination rates of the virus. population.

Another complicating fact is that many children are being contaminated, precisely because they are part of the population with little vaccination coverage. Some states of the Federation are operating with the capacity of their ICU milk at the limit, if not already in conditions of saturation, starting to resume measures adopted at the beginning of the pandemic, that is, reactivating field hospitals. As the doctor Miguel Nicolelis observed, we are living the worst phase of the pandemic. Unfortunately. Vaccination coverage of the population; restrictive protocols and measures; vaccination passport requirements at events and by some commercial establishments; Educational campaigns to emphasize the need to maintain preventive measures and care for the disease have not yet been sufficient to contain the advance of transmission of the variant of the virus.

Some states are already considering the possibility of expanding or resuming some actions taken at the beginning of the pandemic. It is in this context that the resumption of face-to-face classes, at this time, would be an absolutely unwise measure. A postponement will even allow more children to be vaccinated, and a vaccination passport will be required for attendance at face-to-face classes. Municipalities such as those of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda and Paulista have already determined that face-to-face classes will be postponed. A decree from the State Government of Pernambuco would be important in the same sense. Dr. André Longo, Secretary of Health - who we so often praise around here, because of his balanced posture and in tune with health protocols - needs to take a position on this matter, after listening to his monitoring committee.

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