terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2022

This strange - but understandable - relationship between voters and polling institutes

This relationship between voters and research institutes is curious. Although IPEC has presented figures that are out of line with the reality observed in the first round of these elections, its surveys are a real eye-opener for voters and opinion makers identified with the candidacy of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. On the other hand, research surveys carried out by institutes such as Paraná Pesquisas, which came closest to the correctness of the voting in the first round of these elections, is denounced for bringing indicators of a rigorous technical tie between the two candidates for the Palácio do Planalto. The balance of forces is evident. Data such as those presented by Paraná Pesquisas, on the other hand, fall like a balm for the hordes of bolsonaristas, even if a considerable percentage are robots. All of this is understandable. After all, we are in a Fla-Flu or a Grenal, where the PT decided to accompany Eduardo Leite, even if under certain conditions - I don't think even he understood what that means.

At the moment, nothing is defined for any of the candidates vying for the Planalto Palace. Perhaps some fortune teller can make a prediction in this context, but no opinion maker or political analyst risks making any predictions. Even a new fact - such as the shots and grenades thrown by Roberto Jefferson at the federal police - can define the election in favor of one of the candidates. The association and negative repercussion of the episode for the opponent was much celebrated by Lula's committee. 

A little while ago we commented that the campaign staff of candidate Jair Bolsonaro would have demanded commitment from the governors of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, who support him, the commitment in the sense of taking, each of them, one million votes from Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. A hole that, if obtained, could be a shovel in the PT's intentions to re-occupy the Palácio do Planalto. On the other hand, despite performing better in recent debates - former President Lula will undergo intensive training to not only not make mistakes during the Globo debate, but also to crush his opponent, throwing him into the nets all the time . I don't want to play the devil's advocate here, but it should not be forgotten that Jair Bolsonaro is in the media almost every day, taking a liking to the topic and tuning up his speech.

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