sábado, 17 de junho de 2023

Publisher: All organizers of the coup will be summoned by the CPMI of the coup acts, guarantees Arthur Maia.

When the Civil-Military Coup of 1964 took place, some time later, information emerged that the loyalist forces maintained control over a military device that could have been used to abort that attack against democratic institutions in the country. Instigated to do so, former president João Goulart, peaceful by nature, refused to use this military device. It is difficult to know if, in fact, the democrats and legalists had such a device, but, as well as the recent coup d'états, also in 1964, there was a "precipitation" of the coup military that, if the necessary measures were taken, in fact, yes, could have interrupted the process, according to some analysts.

According to anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro, General Olympio Mourão Filho's troop was made up of inexperienced recruits who, if there was a legalistic military reaction to the height, with a few bursts of machine gun fire, the soldiers would return to their homes to treat dysentery. The revelations obtained from the recordings and messages from the aide-de-camp, identifying some military architects of the coup plots of January 8, confirm that such officers are still in their command posts, with military devices at their disposal, which constitutes a recklessness , as they remain in a position to try to subvert the democratic process.

Just yesterday, Lula met with the Minister of Defense, José Múcio Monteiro, to take measures in relation to this matter. The president of the CPMI of the Coup Acts, Federal Deputy Arthur Maia, has already informed that all the architects of the frustrated coup attempt will be summoned. Brazilian society does need these clarifications.

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