sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2023

Publisher: General Gonçalves at the district CPI of the coup

After much resistance from sectors of the Lula Government, the name of General Gonçalves Dias, former Chief Minister of the GSI, should finally be heard by the CPMI of the Coup Acts of January 8th. His summons by the District CPI, created to investigate the same matter, seems to have been less problematic. Yesterday, the general appeared in an audience with that commission, when he had the opportunity to present his version of the events that occurred on January 8, when vandals invaded the headquarters of the Three Powers, in Brasília, with the purpose of creating chaos and create a favorable political environment for the enactment of a coup d'état.

The general made an initial presentation, lasting around 40 minutes, where he emphasized his background in the military and the circumstances in which he served in the Lula Government, replacing General Augusto Heleno, who was also heard in that same commission. The climate at the CPI of the Federal District is always calmer, for known reasons. Thus, unlike the atmosphere of yesterday at the CPMI of Atos Golpistas, which heard George Washington, the audience with General Gonçalves Dias took place in an atmosphere of absolute normality. An environment that, most likely, the general will not find in another different battlefield, that of the CPMI of Antidemocratic Acts, when he is heard. But, as a general, he must always be prepared for war.

Interestingly, some facts involving the January 8 coup plot are being revealed at a frightening speed. Even the special forces left traces that were possible to verify. General Gonçalves Dias did not promote the necessary changes - nor in a timely manner - in the command structure of the GSI, allowing names linked to the Bolsonarist ancien régime to be kept in office. The second name in the body's hierarchy was still a general linked to the former minister, General Augusto Heleno, during the January 8 riots. The person responsible for what they called the "blockade of the federal capital" was also linked to General Augusto Heleno and would have informed General Gonçalves Dias that everything was "quiet". We are not going to go into the details here so as not to "offend".

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