segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Gleisi Hoffmann's "natural" isolation

A well-known political columnist brings, in his daily column, a comment on a possible isolation of the National President of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, in the context of the hard core closest to President Lula. When Lula came to power, Gleisi was considered to take over the Civil House Ministry. It would be a kind of political compass for the PT's third term. At that time, she was already issuing her comments and reflections on the composition and direction of the government, creating some embarrassment for the PT morubixaba, who preferred to keep her in the presidency of the party, not opening space on the Esplanada dos Ministérios for the root PT.

We treat this isolation as something "natural", since, after five months in the Government - contingency for a series of factors - Lula had to make concessions to the opposition, celebrate some agreements that, certainly, dissatisfied the PT. Political actors with your profile - ideologically and politically oriented - may suffer the same fate from now on. Governance agreements bring a great political burden, including with regard to government guidelines, machine management. Centrão, for example, puts a lot of pressure on the Ministry of Health and, certainly, it would not be for the purpose of expanding vaccination coverage in the country. 

Since the campaign we already knew that we would not have a PT government. The issue today is that this mischaracterization is expanding so quickly that, if precautions are not taken into account, we will actually have a Centrão government, something very similar to the ancien régime. There is a political agenda of setbacks, which is being pushed through our throats, as a result of the correlation of forces at play. It is not just Gleisi that is isolated. The great Marina Silva, Minister of the Environment, as well. For obvious reasons, as we hinted at above.

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