quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Government strengthens Nísia Trindade in the Ministry of Health.

One of the great successes in the appointment of president Lula's ministry was the appointment of researcher Nísia Trindade to the Ministry of Health. Nísia brings together three fundamental qualities: Solid academic background in the area; commitment to the population and an impeccable career in the public sector. In the previous administration, the Ministry of Health went through a management blackout, with disastrous consequences for Brazilian society. It was fundamentally important that things be corrected there in this government. Occasionally, advances are being observed, with the resumption of actions that seek, in fact, to meet the demands of Brazilian society in this key area.

With the largest budget on the Esplanada dos Ministérios, however, the Ministry of Health became the target of Centrão's greed as soon as Lula took office. It is good to say that Centrão's pressure for the ministry is not recent. Faced with contingencies, the Ministry of Health expands the strategy of presenting the portfolio's actions to the population, through new communication expedients, in clear evidence that the minister has prestige. It is a signal from Lula in the sense of informing that he does not intend to make changes in that ministry, a message that has already been sent to the leaders of the Centrão.

Centrão's interest in that ministry does not concern republican concerns, as everyone is tired of knowing. The issue is that, in addition to generous funds, the Ministry of Health is a great facilitator of the so-called amendments by the rapporteur, which explains why it has become the target of greed by the parliamentarians who are part of that political group. Lula needs to become aware of how far he can concede, under penalty of completely mischaracterizing his Government, which already has some visible grooves.

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