sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2023

Publisher: It rains a lot in Recife

It rains a lot in Recife. The city seems shrouded in smoke. If observed from Rua da Aurora, the murky waters of the Capibaribe take us back to the chronicles of Paulo Fernando Craveiro, regularly published in the old Diário da Noite. No one has described Recife better than the Recife chronicler. In reality, born in Monteiro, in Paraíba, but brought to the capital of Pernambuco from an early age, enjoying its corners and corners in the moments of leisure from school activities. As an adult, in the newspaper's editorial office, he translated his keen and passionate look at the Brazilian Venice.

The problem of flooding is recurrent in the capital of Pernambuco. It constitutes a headache for all the managers who occupy the Antonio Farias Palace, mainly due to the irregular occupation of its hills and wetlands, forming several areas of risk. Until recently, during the heavy rains that fell across the country, Recife unfortunately recorded the highest number of deaths caused by landslides.

The capital of Pernambuco is a city located below sea level. In the Benfica neighbourhood, close to the Clube Português, an astonishing index of three and a half meters below sea level can be reached. A well, actually. When the Dutch arrived here, in 1630, only mud and mangroves separated the cities of Olinda and Recife. The current manager, João Campos, from the PSB, has been carrying out a work worthy of recognition with this punished periphery, subjected to such conditions due to its social situation and the absence of suitable housing policies, implemented by the public power.

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