sexta-feira, 16 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Lula's "adjustments" meeting

Crédito da foto: Ricardo Stuckert

Yesterday, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva held a large meeting with his ministry. The objective would be to promote some conduct adjustments from now on, avoiding further friction with Congress and, preferably, communicating better with the population about the Government's achievements. The idea is to materialize everything that has been agreed so far, avoiding new ideas. If new ideas arise, it would be prudent for them to be communicated to the Morubixaba beforehand.

Of the 37 ministers, 35 were present. Only Luiz Marinho and Marina Silva were unable to attend. Marinho is in Geneva, fulfilling work commitments, while Minister Marina Silva had to undergo medical care after feeling severe pain in her spine. Within this scope, one of Lula's recommendations was to ask subordinates to commit to releasing the appointment ordinances, with the aim of accommodating the next "allies" in the machine.

These meetings are important, since they contribute to correcting paths, focusing on what really matters and, mainly, trying to minimize the areas of friction between the ministries and the Legislative Power, one of the main "bottlenecks" of Lula's administration. A success here may represent some moment of peace, but, as we informed you before, as this is a chronic problem, it should persist until the end of the Government. That's if Lula survives until then, since Centrão's appetite is insatiable.

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