domingo, 25 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Military police are convicted of participating in the slaughter of the bullfinch

Between the night and dawn of the 11th and 12th of November 2015, the population of the state of Ceará was the victim of the biggest massacre committed by police officers who are part of the Military Police of that state. After a case of robbery involving a military police officer, active battalions and even off-duty police were used to carry out a mega operation in neighborhoods around Messejana, a lake located in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza. Arbitrarily and with clear violations of rights, 11 young people were killed on that occasion, some of them summarily executed.

The tragedy became known as "Chacina do Bullfinch". During this period, there were actions involving the Public Ministry of that state, as well as the "Mães do Bullfinch", which promoted intense popular mobilizations calling for justice. Yesterday, they and the community won their first victory. Four soldiers involved in the massacre were sentenced to 1,100 years in prison. Appeals are still possible, but they are already serving time, in pre-trial detention.

This mobilization of the "Mothers of the Bullfinch" is somewhat reminiscent of the mobilizations of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, in Argentina, who demanded justice for their children, who died and disappeared during the military dictatorship in that country. With time, and consequently age, they started to be treated like the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo. What hasn't changed is their willingness to fight for their rights and for justice. One of the leaders of the "Mães do Curió", heard about it through a communication channel, the victory would not be theirs, but all young people from Ceará. Save!

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