domingo, 11 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Minister Flávio Dino's overexposure

If it depends on the will of the opposition, the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, will continue with high exposure rates, something that has been causing some discomfort in the Lula government. And such exposure is not restricted to the Legislature. In fact, Flávio Dino is the most exposed minister in the Lula government, including through social networks. Since yesterday, he occupies the first place in Trending Topic's Twitter Brazil, after the controversy generated around fake news published about singer Roger Waters. Grinding opponents in the hearings in the Legislative and taking correct measures in the portfolio he commands, Flávio Dino took on a leading role that greatly pleased President Lula, who presented him as a model to be followed by other ministers.

Of democratic and republican convictions, with a wide experience in public life, Flávio Dino has already informed that he is willing to attend all calls of the Legislative Power, with the purpose of explaining the actions of his portfolio. He will go as many times as he is summoned. What happens, in reality, is that Flávio Dino commands a neuralgic portfolio, strategic in the scope of Bolsonarist intentions in the past (and in the future as well), such as measures related to access to carrying weapons and the regulation of social media, for example. 

We are achieving some civilizing advances in these areas, but the fact deeply displeases Bolsonaristas, who are now very well represented in the Legislature. It is no wonder that this editor prepares, in addition to popcorn, the vest to accompany the MST CPI hearings. That same Bolsonarist parliamentary base systematically puts pressure on the Lula government. They are extrapolating their role of legislating and wish to assume some functions inherent to the Executive Branch, weakening some ministries, as is already the case with the Environment and with that of Native Peoples. This arm wrestling with Minister Flávio Dino is not strange.

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