quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Miriam Leitão detonates Central Bank interest rates.

Depending on her opinions, the journalist Miriam Leitão can be massacred or deified by the PT hosts that act on social networks. This is the conclusion we reached today, when it ranks first on Trending Topics Twitter Brasil, after a speech stating that the biggest obstacle to the resumption of growth in the country are the high interest rates practiced by the Central Bank, today at 13.75%. For a long time the president of that institution, Campos Neto, has been criticized for keeping these interest rates at such high standards, creating, in fact, some obstacles for some sectors of the economy.

Who celebrates these rates is only the speculative capital, linked to the financial sector. Although the Central Bank has the prerogative of autonomy, critics of the Government already advocate that Lula could be more incisive in this confrontation. In fact, as stated by the journalist, such fees constitute obstacles to the country's economic development. Numerous dialogues have already been held by the Government in this regard, but Campos Neto is adamant, leading some PT supporters to credit him with the condition of a cursed inheritance, left by Bolsonarism, with far from friendly intentions.

Campos Neto would certainly not be nominated for the exercise of such a role if he did not have strong links with Bolsonarism. Campos Neto, for obvious reasons, always argues in technical terms, avoiding this bias of a political nature, stating that such rates result from a concern to keep inflation under control.

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