segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Relations between the military and civilians in Brazil remain tense.

A high-ranking military man spoke out about Lula's meeting with the Pope, treating the country's Chief Executive as a crook. According to information from the military mailboxes, the officer should be punished. During the week, a former Defense Minister, José Genoíno, expressed his concerns about what he classifies as a shielding strategy for the military involved in the January 8 coup attempt. The relationship between the military and civil power in Brazil was never pacified, nor, at some point, were they harmonious.

The recent effort of some legalistic military personnel, with a democratic profile, to depoliticize the Armed Forces is to be commended, but, strictly speaking, we are facing a problem that, mistakenly, some political actors insist on minimizing. One of them, sitting on an armed bomb, has already said that he is "tired" of hearing talk of a coup. As if not addressing the issue or neglecting it were the way out of the problem. The tug of war is still stretched. There are rumors that the United States Government has taken steps towards military sectors in Brazil in order to dissuade them from these anti-democratic attempts.

The speeches of the military heard in the CPIs that deal with this subject make this very clear, pointing out minutiae of possible false reports issued by intelligence bodies; change in the routine of mobilization of military personnel precisely on January 8; meticulous preparations, with the involvement of high-ranking officials in those anti-democratic textures; "legal" support of the exception measures that should be adopted. Finally, a manual and a complete script of the coup. Either our democratic institutions carry out a probe of the probe in these death throes - disarming these coup artifacts once and for all - or we will have more trouble ahead. Unfortunately.

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