segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Sílvio Almeida: Lava Jato as judicial corruption

Operation Lava Jato's degree of disrepute has reached a stage where it is suggested that there is no going back. Even the actors who are being chosen to carry on with such an operation, today, observe the need to proceed with a reorientation of course, correcting the mistakes of the past. The indispositions with Judge Eduardo Appio, appointed to this thorny mission, may have their origin in his intention to correct them. A STF minister has already carried out an X-ray of what actually happened in the so-called Republic of Curitiba, praying that such episodes do not occur again in the country.

Putting together all the pieces of this perverse gear, the Minister of Human Rights, of the Lula Government, Sílvio Almeida, spoke out on the subject, pointing out a case of judicial corruption, indicating the need to punish those responsible. As we have stated here on other occasions, the plot of Lava Jato is worthy of the best crime novels by the Belgian writer, Georges Simenon. He, who wrote a novel in 13 days, would find there the necessary ingredients for another production. It has everything.

We'll leave the details to Tonis and Taclas, who are being summoned to public hearings in the Legislative, where they should have a space to speak to Brazilian society about the death throes of the Republic of Curitiba, which was presented, in principle, as an operation which, finally, would put big fish, involved in maracatais with public resources in the country, in jail. In a country with high levels of corruption like ours, such a narrative naturally excited a significant number of Brazilian men and women. Someone has already proposed a CPI on the case. It would be reasonable and welcome if we weren't faced with so many political pineapples to peel already in transit. Congratulations to Minister Sílvio Almeida. Such a placement is in good time, mainly due to the place of speech he occupies.

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