terça-feira, 18 de julho de 2023

Publisher: Ana Moser's perfect serve

There is great political expectation around Lula's return to the country. Several factors are contributing to this, such as, for example, scheduling a meeting between him and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PL-AL), as well as the definition of the destination of the Sports portfolio, currently occupied by former volleyball player, Ana Moser. According to some analyses, Lula's strategy would be to increasingly expand this articulation with Arthur Lira, isolating that more reticent opposition group, like Ciro Nogueira's PP. The senator has already been anticipating that the conversation with Lula would only take place in 2026, when we will have a new presidential election, where the opposition forces intend to regain control of the Planalto Palace, something predictable in the scope of the rules of the democratic game.

According to the correct weightings of the journalist Cláudio Humberto's column, these amendments by the rapporteur, today, have some flow mechanisms that no longer make parliamentarians so dependent on the mood of the Government. The Planalto's bargaining power, in this case, is significantly reduced, limited only to positions in the machine. The Republicans expect the PT morubixaba to make a decision on the Ministry of Sports, handing over its title to Pernambucan Sílvio Costa Filho, Federal Deputy affiliated with the Republicans, son of Sílvio Costa, a purple PT (more than red).

Interestingly, one of the main leaders of the party, the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, has already been anticipating that, occasionally, he even agrees that these channels of negotiations with the Planalto be expanded, but does not consider it prudent to integrate the Government, occupying a ministry , as some comrades wish. As with Minister Nísia Trindade, of Health, Ana Moser also had the support of representative sports entities to remain in office, leading Lula to reconsider the hypothesis of his removal, nailing a perfect serve, with no defense for the opposition. The cost of dismissing him would be very high and inopportune, if we consider that we are in the midst of a competition like the Women's Football World Cup.

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