quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2023

Publisher: Luiza Trajano's campaign against high Central Bank interest rates ​

Until recently, during a businessmen's meeting, Mrs. Luíza Trajano, Magazine Luíza's main shareholder, demanded from Mr. Campos Neto, President of the Central Bank, a decrease in the interest rates practiced by that Institution, under penalty of such interest rates a general breakdown in some economic activities. After the meeting, the businesswoman would have tried, without success, to re-establish this dialogue with Campos Neto. Given the circumstances, Luíza Trajano would be intending to adopt, as a coping strategy, a petition among the business community that is consistent with the thesis of the fall in interest rates practiced by the Bank.

It is not uncommon for us to return to this matter here. There is a clear tug of arms between the Lula Government and the Presidency of the Central Bank, in some cases presented as a cursed legacy left by Bolsonarism, when one considers that the current manager of that institution was appointed by the former president. Alongside Lira, he would form an infernal duo against the interests of the Lula government. Campos Neto even has good relations with former president Bolsonaro, but the problem seems to be another one, or it is not limited to the possible political implications. 

Campos Neto always hits the key that such interest rates are practiced in order to hold inflationary levels. On the other hand, there are countries with much lower interest rates and inflation under control. Concretely, Luíza Trajano is right in her arguments. This economic "denialism" of Campos Neto hinders economic growth and promotes the collapse of some market niches, as anticipated by the businesswoman. With the exception of speculative capital, there are already many people in the queue to sign the petition.

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