sábado, 30 de julho de 2011

Ribamar Alves answered the request of http://blogdojolugue.blogspot.com

We do not know if Mr Ahmad Ribamar answered the request of the HTTP: / / blogdojolugue.blogspot.com and took the governor Eduardo Campos to enjoy a fresh grilled red snapper with an ice cold beer on the docks of Alcântara, in the very end of afternoon, watching the birds in the mangroves that are near there. That alone would justify such enthusiasm for Ribamar Alves, who turned out that Eduardo Campos, despite the secrets, he would run as presidential elections since 2014. According Ribamar, like Vasco da Gama, Eduardo also be eating porridge hot around the edges, slowly. Do not forget to read the blog posting on the nearest Kassab with the governor of the PMDB, Roseanna Sarney.

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