quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2023

Publisher: Thousands of Daisies arrive in Brasilia

Thousands of Daisies arrived in the federal capital and are, at this moment, hearing from Government authorities and from Lula himself the announcement of a series of measures concerning land policies. Lula must have already been informed that his popularity is on the rise, reaching even strongholds traditionally identified with Bolsonarism, as is the case with wealthy, evangelical voters and in regions such as the south of the country. His excitement may be a reflection of that little push. It always helps a lot. In his speech, he spared no "praise" for his opponents.

Yesterday, in an audience at the MST's CPI, when asked about the group's activities, its leader, João Pedro Stédile, predicted that one of the ways to put an end to the movement, as desired by opposition parliamentarians, would be to land reform in the country. That simple. By some estimates, it might not even need to expropriate land anymore. We would already have enough land. The point is that agrarian reform involves much more than simple access to land. The Marcha das Margaridas is a tribute to unionist Margarida Maria Alves, president of the Rural Union of Alagoa Grande, in Paraíba, murdered at the behest of local landowners.

We got a picture of her, possibly rare, at a rally held on top of a truck, in her city, Alagoa Grande, next to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, certainly when he was his first candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic. The identification of the place was due to the image that appears in the background, that is, the Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora de Boa Viagem. Alagoa Grande would become known nationally as the land of Jackson do Pandeiro.

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