sábado, 3 de junho de 2017

Publisher: The arrest of former deputy Rodrigo Rocha Loures

Rodrigo Rocha Loures

He was reserving the editorial this Saturday for the Attorney General, Rodrigo Janot. We were hit, however, with the announcement of the arrest of former deputy Rodrigo Rocha Loures, still on Saturday. According to his lawyers, further pressure is needed to get him into the award-winning program. I have already told you here that I do not see how Rocha Loures does not open the beak. After all, the owners of JBS already stated loud and clear that the money of the suitcase was not for him. He is not crazy to take such a heavy burden just to spare his friend even President of the Republic. I believe that, from the strictly legal point of view, the siege is already closed. The big problem has, however, been the political articulation around the building of a transitional consensus until the general elections of 2018. It seems to us that nobody here understands. Neither PSDB, nor PMDB, nor DEM, the main political supporters of the allied base of the still president Michel Temer.

The Attorney General, Rodrigo Janot, has made enemies in all political quarters. There by the final sighs of the Government Dilma Rousseff, was pointed by a well-known columnist like member of the forces that conspired against the mandate of the ex- president. By the nature of the position he occupies, it would be natural that his rate of "approval" was not the best, especially among those actors directly affected by his actions. There are people counting in their fingers the days they are missing for their departure from the PGR. But as long as there is breath, it seems to us that he does not intend to give slack to the shepherds of the treasury or his cronies. He has acted with surprising celerity. In the last few hours, he reinforced the arrest fare of former deputy Rodrigo Rocha Loures, as well as hardened the game with the out-of-state senator Aécio Neves (PSDB), who today looks more like a political zombie.

For those who listen to the non-Republican dialogues of this citizen with public officials, it is very difficult to imagine that a few years ago former Minister of Justice, Fernando Lyra, saw him as one of the great political promises of the country. According to Lyra, along with former governor Eduardo Campos, were the two great political leaders emerged in the country in recent decades. Lyra, unfortunately, did not stay alive to reevaluate her concepts and conclusions. In his last dispatches to the STF, Rodrigo Janot asks for the annulment of his mandate as senator of the Republic, among other things, accusing him of having harmed millions of Brazilian voters, who have credited him with some confidence. In these more than 50 million voters, there are, of course, those unsuspecting voters, but how do you understand the leads of global artists, minimally well-informed citizens, who are said to be cheated by the boy, or the thousands of "coxinhas" The stick in your defense?

As I said before, Rodrigo Rocha Loures has no choice but to open the game about the recipient of the bag. Your attorneys are against, but it is not just a decision or not to enter the award-winning program. Loures was caught in a Federal Police operation, receiving the suitcase from the emissaries of the JBF group. In any circumstance, you will have to present a "good argument" to get rid of this trouble, especially now, thrown into the common grave of those who lose the privileged forum.

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