terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Hot weather at the cpmi session of the coup acts

Hot weather at today's session, the 13th, of the CPMI on Coup Acts on January 8th. The arm wrestling between Government and opposition takes place around the work plan presented by the rapporteur, senator Eliziane Gama, from PSD of Maranhão. It is possible that, after today's vote, we will be able to follow the first hearings. It was leaking through social networks that the first to be heard would be the former assistant of former President Jair Bolsonaro, Colonel Mauro Cid.

This fact would have already been discarded by the President of the Commission, Arthur Maia. There is, so far, no name defined for the first hearing, which recommends us to be even more careful in relation to this fake news. The other day, there was information involving the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, in the sense that censorship was expected and even an eventual arrest of the singer Roger Wagers, during his tour in Brazil. The minister immediately tried to deny it, but the damage was already done and very well exploited by the Bolsonarist hordes.

There is even a hypothesis that they have "planted" such information, which would not be improbable. It is part of this vile and abject game that the country has come to face in these bitter times, where the lie has come to be used as a political expedient, with the purpose of provoking the social deaths of the disaffected, opening the way for the authoritarian and fascist carriage to transit without obstacles .

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