pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: Youtube chooses João Pessoa as the best city to live in the country
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sábado, 8 de julho de 2023

Publisher: Youtube chooses João Pessoa as the best city to live in the country

A survey on Youtube has a lot of repercussions on social networks, where the capital of the state of Paraíba, João Pessoa, was elected the best city to live in the country. In fact, nothing better than João Pessoa. Be it for its attractions, be it for the hospitality of its people, be it for the zeal of public managers with the city. Warm water urban beaches; excellent gastronomic and lodging facilities; clean urban environment and preserved environment, with a vast area of untouched vegetation cover. The local people treat visitors very well, the drivers are polite in traffic.

Regardless of political and ideological colors, there seems to be a pact between the managers who assume the city's administration in order to take good care of its infrastructure. A week in the neighborhoods of Tambaú or Cabo Branco and the caboclo is immersed in endless happiness. A little run in the early hours of the morning, under a strong sun, as it rises earlier that way; an old bathing suit and a dip in the warm waters of Tambaú; then, back to the hotel, to get some shorts and a tank top and go to Mangai to try the best cuisine in the state; for dessert, an ice cream at Friberg ice cream shop, the best in town; one toured the craft markets; at the end of the afternoon, a ride with the family along the shore, on one of those bicycles for four people, with an obligatory stop at the bust of Tamandaré.

You hardly need to leave Tambaú to enjoy the city. There is fresh seafood at the neighborhood fishmonger; a public market with delicacies from the local cuisine, in addition to seasonal fruits, such as pink and espadrilles mangoes, in the high summer season; an open-air food court, in the tourist heart of the neighborhood. But, if you have some free time, be sure to go to the old neighborhood of Varadouro, get to know the old town, with its attractions from the time, such as historic monuments and listed houses. Not least, one toured Bica with the children, on a cold Sunday morning, following the water trail.

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