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domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

POLITICAL CHESS OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE RECIFE 2012 - Speaking at the local PSB, Eduardo Campos killed four birds with one stone and nodded to the candidacy of Fernando Bezerra Coelho.
José Luiz Gomes writes:
There is something unusual and interesting in moving parts of the PSB, read, above all, Fernando Bezerra Coelho and Eduardo Campos, around the election of Recife in 2012. In general, the national project of the governor seems to compromise, inevitably, some agreements in the province. After a long conversation with Eduardo, FBC call the mayor to congratulate him young age. The gesture could be interpreted as a simple demonstration of civility, it was not their interest in talking to John Costa on the Reef, and certainly over the next year's elections.
On the other hand, when starting the process of discussing its position regarding the election of 2012 the PTB elected Fernando Bezerra Coelho as one of the most privileged interlocutors. Yesterday was the turn of the Minister of National Integration to receive Congressman and former mayor of Recife, John Paul. In recent days, so Fernando Bezerra has been giving all the demonstrations that the PSB will be the same candidate in the elections of Recife in 2012, building a management agenda for the city, and possibly linking support to your project. All this with a green field of the Palace of the Princesses.
The act of transferring his home constituency of Petrolina to Recife in Pernambuco raised in chronic political two different situations: First, in haste, where some columnists have rushed to take for granted your application. In another moment, the greatest caution was suggested that the state governor Eduardo Campos, only some measures were taken "preventative" in the event of the necessity of having to move in more than one piece of the board of the front or the PSB, the his party. Some people believed that the strategy was only a "metropolitanizar" the name of FBC, preparing him for the clash of the 2014 Palace of the Princesses of the field.
Soon after, however, three maneuvers PSB now configure the application to the Minister Fernando Bezerra Coelho as an established fact. After a long conversation with FBC, Congressman John Paul left convinced that the PSB was not joking or bluffing to transfer the home minister's election to the Reef. There are but a real possibility of its application the City of Recife in 2012. John Paul, a member of the Electoral Commission responsible for the PT Northeast, you should have reported it to the chiefs of the legend, they do not want, no way, lost in Recife.
The first indicator that he, in fact, may enter the field already in the 2012 elections are your drives. Although with a busy schedule in the ministry, FBC is "fitting" to get the main actors from the political scene in Pernambuco, to date, concentrated on the orbit of the Popular Front. Eduardo Campos, Armando Monteiro, Joao Paulo are some names that have passed through the agenda for FBC. The marathon pace has been too intense for those who are looking to the Palace of the Princesses of the field in 2114. There is evidence of a pit stop at the Palace Antonio Farias.
Of course, the content of these conversations do not leak to the press, but between the lines, one can understand the concerns of the party with the management of the city - sometimes criticized -; the unwanted supporting role of the association in Recife, and especially the damage that mismanagement can cause the city to the national projects of Governor Eduardo Campos.
The second element relates to the interventions promoted in the State of the PSB directory, replacing Milton Guedes Coelho Silenus. Apparently, the process was accomplished with much political Vaseline - Vaseline the best - so as not to scratch the image of Milton, appointed Director of the National party. On occasion, write a post on our blog stating that Campos had killed three birds with one stone. The following week, after a recount, we concluded that we had the wrong account. In fact, there were four rabbits, including one of Petrolina.
At first, the chronic political did not give much importance to this fact, but Milton Coelho was an actor who openly advocated the support of PSB for re-election of Mayor John Costa. Milton even disallowed in more than one time, Councilwoman Marilia Arras for his statements in favor of application of the PSB in Recife. Then we read some comments that surprised the extent that Milton himself, though with some of the edges created palace, had a good support to continue to support the front of the legend, mainly metropolitan and provincial directories.

With this measure, a man climbed Eduardo in his confidence to the national PSB, in order to articulate its national project in some important capitals of the country, moved one piece, Silenus Guedes, to develop the project metropolitanization party in the state and , break even postponed the license application of a militant history of the guild, the writer Ariano Suassuna, which will continue singing the hardwood that no termites gnawing at meetings of the association.
The stone in these three rabbits leads inexorably to a room, that is, Fernando Bezerra Coelho, who has even the Rabbit name. In addition to the rhythm of the movements of FBC, two factors are strong indicators of a possible application of the minister: the first relates to his project metropolitanization of the association, ie, the party intends to grow in the metropolitan area and Silenus Guedes, as already stated was scheduled to accomplish this mission. Somewhat strengthened in the regions of Zona da Mata, Agreste and Hinterland is time to expand their party metropolitan areas, allowing for the possibility of applications such as the Minister Fernando Bezerra Coelho.
The other factor that provides one indication of a possible application of FBC is the project of conquering party visibility in dozens of state capitals, radiating the national project of its chairman, Governor Eduardo Campos. That is, the arrangement of national Eduardo Campos - involving the PSD PSDB and sectors - can take it to heart the Workers Party in Recife, violations of the agreements of the Popular Front, signed even when the "kid" of the gardens of the Foundation Nabuco just wanted to be governor of Pernambuco. On the other hand, if what is at stake is the name of Eduardo of dimensions in the main fields of the country, such as Recife, capital of Pernambuco State, could be out of this strategy?
It is quite reasonable, therefore, invest in a candidacy of Fernando Bezerra Coelho in 2012, this time guided by consistent arguments and not just the formal transfer of the voting place. Returning to the stage to address a thorny issue, the Agreement concluded between him and Sergio Guerra in the 2010 elections - where the party in exchange for his candidacy for the Senate, would support him in 2012 to win or lose - Raul Jungmann reached conclusion that, in Recife, the PSB opposed to the mayor João da Costa. I think your opposition is too strong a term, but it is quite reasonable to think that the margin of maneuver Eduardo Campos, today, the board policy of Pernambuco, are increasingly independent of the movements of the PT, although it still remains a few hits "account "with the club, as the recent support of the party to elect Ana Arraes to the Court of Audit

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