pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: "You love uncertainty and you will be a democrat"
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sábado, 14 de agosto de 2021

Publisher: "You love uncertainty and you will be a democrat"

It is not just today that we discuss the weaknesses of our democratic fabric here. In fact, in reality, it was never a good fabric, due to the great social inequalities existing in the country, as well as due to the cultural reflexes of our colonial formation, which forged a clumsy, prejudiced, infamous and inconsequential elite. We have followed - not without great concern - this tension in the relationship between the Executive and Judiciary powers, translated into raids and skirmishes that have been going on for some time, promoting a situation of discomfort for our democratic institutions and, consequently, for Brazilian society , which is already living with a deep sanitary, economic, social and civilizing crisis, marked by the disregard for the environment, the national cultural heritage, and an authoritarian bias that is intolerant of minorities.

Don't tell me you can't talk about a crisis of civilization, after the fire in our Cinematheque, in one of the warehouses that held a very precious collection of filmmaker Glauber Rocha. It is equally desperate what happens in relation to the escalation of forest deforestation in the Amazon, as well as the illegal occupation of indigenous lands, through irregular mines, which smuggle gold abroad. It is necessary to have nerves of steel to withstand that tragedy of environmental aggression excess - counted on thousands of soccer fields - with effects in all regions of the country, since the Amazon region exerts a strong influence on the planet's climate. There are those who assure that, if tough measures are not taken immediately, the next Covid-19 will come out of those hoverings, due to the environmental imbalance produced.

Still far from cooling down - despite vaccination - the Covid-19 pandemic worries European and Asian authorities again, with more aggressive variants, more transmissible and, in some cases, even more resistant to immunization. This would be the moment for a single command around your confrontation. Definitely, this is not the time to discuss whether the vote will be printed or electronic, much less question the fairness of past or future claims. There is no evidence of the suggested frauds, because, simply, these were legitimate claims, where these frauds did not occur.

This theme has been recurrent, but it seems that we will always have to remember that political actors who wage an institutional struggle must necessarily respect the rules of the game, or, if they prefer, act within the four lines, under the arbitration of the Federal Constitution . Anything outside of that can be translated as a violation or a coup, whether of the traditional type or of these modern, "light" type coups, without the use of military intervention force, as in the past. These typologies of "institutional coups", by the way, have been a current trend, characterized by the strengthening of the Executive, which begins by lashing out on precedent democracy and "testing" other powers, such as the Legislative and the Judiciary.

Democracy has as basic presuppositions dialogue, persuasion, persuasion. The political actor who participates in this game needs to convince voters that their government project is the best for the country, for society as a whole and for their more specific electorate, as long as the rules of the game are maintained. It is a government regime that also presents risks and uncertainties, as a condition inherent to its own dynamics, which are shaped from the moment of the elections.

Several mistakes can be made at this time, such as failing to attend public debates, making mistakes in campaign strategies, presenting a program that does not convince a majority of the voting population. Democracy, therefore, is full of uncertainties and, as such, the political actors who work in these four lines of institutional engineering need to submit to its rules. In the end, for those political actors who are not yet convinced of these premises, I recommend an article by the Polish political scientist, Adam Przeworski, an expert on this topic: "You love uncertainty and you will be a democrat"

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