pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: Sartre's Disappointment with Libération
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sábado, 24 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Sartre's Disappointment with Libération

Yesterday, a well-known blogger made the headline of the French afternoon, Libération, about Lula's presence in France, where he is participating in the Summit meeting for a New Global Financial Pact, and left it without any comment. The cover story of the French evening newspaper carried the headline: Lula, La Decepcão! We still haven't had access to the matter, to know the arguments of the writers of the French newspaper, in the past known for its progressive positions, founded by the philosopher Jean Paul-Sartre.

Sartre put his philosophy to the defense of humanitarian causes around the world. If he were still among us, then yes, we could speak of a great disappointment, but this time of the philosopher in relation to the newspaper he founded, which acted, for a long time, as a trench of leftist thought in that country. Libération is no longer the same. Lula, likewise, may no longer be the same. Times have changed. Today, he seeks to tread paths of conciliation or establish a concerted management, which, for the more radical left-wing groups of thought, can be, in fact, a great disappointment, since social and economic advances remain interdicted by the constraints imposed by the straitjacket of neoliberal policies.

Even in such circumstances, he did not fail to deliver his message, pulling the ears of the rich industrialized countries with regard to their responsibilities regarding the climate issue. It was not the poor countries of long-suffering Latin America that contributed to the stage we are in with regard to climate problems. At the end of this post, a colleague warned that the French newspaper makes reference to the war in Ukraine. Here for us. Lula should fire whoever advised him to get involved in this imbroglio.

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