pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: The intricate political chess game between Lula and Lira
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domingo, 4 de junho de 2023

Publisher: The intricate political chess game between Lula and Lira


At just fifteen years old, the Russian chess genius, Garry Kasparov, after the memorable matches he played with great competitors, managed to describe all the moves to his coach, from memory, without even using the board. Undoubtedly, he deserved the adjective of genius. This political game between the Executive and the Legislative has been interesting, with curious moves from side to side, but still far from checkmate - or would it be checkmate? - on one side. The game suggests many movements of pieces on the board, on both sides, which implies a high risk on the final result of the game, especially if one of the players is not precisely aware of these moves. Before taking decisions, it is necessary to be clear about the possible consequences, under penalty of not having a chance to reverse the situation. After all, not everyone was born with the genius of Garry Kasparov, who managed, throughout his career, to win matches that were considered lost.

The actions of the Legislature are limiting the Executive to change some pieces to rebalance the game. Thus, Lula is forced to make changes, sacrificing some pieces, even if against his will. Environment, Civil House, Institutional Relations, Transport, are in the sights of the Legislative. With this, Lira tries to strengthen herself and strengthen allies within the scope of her board, with an eye on the 2025 succession, going through the 2024 municipal elections, when she may lose some squires, due to disputes in her electoral bases. 

The chess player from Alagoas intends to introduce some players on the opponent's board, preferably in privileged spaces, with funds and facilitation of parliamentary amendments. The "queen" of Saúde is the most coveted piece at this moment, as it meets these requirements. The most recurrent comments are that the petista marubixaba was once a better player in this intricate chess. He wouldn't have the same ability as before. Let's wait. Suddenly, a stroke of genius may come out, like a mandate revocation, for example.

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