pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: IPEC releases research on approval of the Lula government
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sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2023

Publisher: IPEC releases research on approval of the Lula government


Yesterday, with the news that the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court, Alexandre de Moraes, had contracted Covid-19, more radical Bolsonarist hordes invaded social networks, with the intention of commemorating the fact, in an anti-Christian act. We are really living the "end times", as evangelicals preach. Where have you seen someone who claims to be a Christian with such an attitude? Where have you seen neo-Pentecostal drug traffickers? As reported by police chronicles? But everything became possible in these dark times that the country is facing.

First of all, we wish health and long life to the guardian of our democratic institutions, which acts as a true shield against anti-democratic attacks. Another piece of news that should leave these Bolsonarists in an uproar is the approval of the Lula Government, which, according to a survey carried out by the IPEC Institute, released today, dropped two percentage points when compared to the previous survey. It fell from 39% to 37%, while disapproval also rose by two percentage points, that is, from 26% to 28%.

The moment requires weighting on both sides. It is still too early for us to release the fireworks, either on the side of the situation or on the side of the opposition. The clouds remain gray, whether from an economic point of view or from a political point of view. The highest interest rates in the world, practiced by the Central Bank, suffocate some sectors of the economy, as already mentioned. From a political point of view, the bottleneck has been this tumultuous and confused relationship with the Legislative Power, which has applied a tourniquet to the Government, tightening and loosening as it sees fit. If it depends on some political opposition groups, Lula's government will bleed to death. Unraveling an impeachment request, these circumstances maintained, is just a matter of time.

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