Recently, the Minister of Culture, Roberto Freire (PPS), was in Recife. More precisely in the neighborhood of Casa Forte, in the headquarters of the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, where the assignment of a house owned by that Institution was held for MinC to use as the regional office of the organ. As far as we know, the ceremony took place normally, with no record of any incident, unlike what had happened months before, in an event at the Palácio das Campo das Princesas, where the audience present rehearsed a note to the minister during his speech. On the floor of the political carriage, the team dealing with the MinC ceremonies will have a lot of work going forward. Now, on the occasion of the delivery of the Camões Prize, at the Lasar Segall Museum, hostilities against the minister have taken place again, creating a kind of chatter between Mr. Roberto Freire and some of the audience.
Tense moment, it was natural that some improprieties should arise, since the minister spoke suddenly, nervous with the boos of the audience, feeling deeply uncomfortable with the speech of the writer Raduan Nassar - winner of the prize - who, during his speech - improperly Anticipated by the ceremonial - made harsh criticisms of the current situation of the country, not sparing even the STF of the tricks that engendered the institutional coup in the country. In Raduan's view, the Temer government is illegitimate and coup-monger, having come to power after unduly dismissing an "integrated" person from the presidency of the Republic, in reference to former President Dilma Rousseff. Raduan's speech was eminently political, exposing the wounds of the institutional crisis that we now cross in the country.
In past decades, here in Pernambuco, Mr. Roberto Freire presented himself as an illustrious representative of the left, belonging to the cadres of the Communist Party, allied with people like Francisco Julião, linked to the struggle for land. Some say that this was only a crude package, since he was appointed by the military to take on the role of attorney for INCRA, in a profound contradiction with his political militancy. These data are informed by the journalist Sebastião Nery, in a published article, which reaches enormous repercussion until today in the social networks. Once, dialoguing with me through the Twitter microblog, he clarified that he was an INCRA insolvency lawyer. Even so, his appointment to that body is strange, since exceptional regimes often do not respect the technical skills of his disciples. A good example of this was the exile imposed on intellectuals such as Joshua de Castro or Paulo Freire, who proposed a method of adult literacy that, if not aborted, would drive the country away from the disgraceful figure of 13 million illiterate adults it boasts. According to UNESCO, a shame even by the standards of the Latin American continent.
In his speech, Minister Roberto Freire was, so to speak, blunt, stating that dictatorships do not reward their disenfranchises - and possibly do not name them, even if they were approved in a public contest - and for the sake of consistency it might be prudent that Raduan Nassar Refuse the award, still granted in the Government of President Dilma Rousseff. But the worst was yet to come. In an official statement issued by the Ministry of Culture, there is explicitly an accusation of the demonstrators' attitude, calling it an attempt to "destabilize democratic regimes." See how far we've come. We, who are fighting for the reestablishment of the Democratic State of Law in the country, are accused of trying to destabilize it. Someone urgently needs to have a conversation with the ghost writer of MinC.
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