As I was informed, the governor of the state of Pernambuco still intends to issue a note explaining the reasons why he removed, in a single pamphlet, the Military Police commander, Carlos D'Albuquerque, and the Chief of the State Civil Police, the special delegate Antonio Barros. I do not think it's necessary. Generally, this is the kind of decision you make when things are not going well. And that things are not going well, everyone knows this, starting with the population of the State, which coexists with indices of violence similar to those indexes that preceded the creation of the security policy called Pact for Life. I do not quite understand the reason why the state public authorities refuse to face the facts as they arise. There is a great compliment in accepting the fact that the guidelines that guided the creation of PPV no longer exist. The last major debate on the subject concerned, astonished, his paternity, which is another indicator of the problems. Or how we will not face them if we continue at this stage.
I do not know how the relation of the delegate Antonio Barros was with the governor Paulo Câmara, as well as within the police corporation itself. In spite of the serious crisis observed in the Military Police, the departure of its commander, Carlos D'Albuquerque, as far as it is understood, is very strenuous in the equation of the problems faced by the subordinates and in tune with the guidelines of the Palace of the Field of the Princesses. Judging from what is happening throughout the country, the problem of the Military Police is a structural problem, very difficult to solve without the participation of various actors. Much less, the failure or failure of these negotiations can be credited to this or that particular actor. What transpires - here and elsewhere - is a tendency to adopt tougher measures against the military that participate in these movements, culminating in the removal of the cadres from the corporation and even prisons. This is already observed in Pernambuco and Espírito Santo, where even the women of the squares are being hit by the measures.
In the press, some noteworthy officers of thanks went to Colonel Carlos D'Albuquerque, who leaves the command of the Military Police. It was as if he had done his job well the moment he took office, but he was being turned away because of the circumstances. As this editorial had been written yesterday, we still did not have any information, but some of them are being confirmed. Personally, D'Albuquerque had expressed interest in moving away from the PM's command, claiming personal reasons. As the real reasons for the dismissal or appointment of a person for such positions are always complicated, caution should be exercised in accepting these reasons, but in the specific case it is worth considering the reasons given by D'Albuquerque. Another suspicion that is confirmed today, 18, judging by the declarations of the Secretary of Social Defense, Angelo Gioia, is, in fact, the tendency to a "hardening" in facing the movement of the PM.
The loss of control of PPV goals has been dragging on for quite some time. The Government speaks in 2014, but, by the way, already by the middle of 2013 it was possible to perceive a certain "breakdown" in the PPV. For the opposition, this is a management problem. Concerned about the negative repercussion of the resurgence of violence in the State, Governor Paulo Câmara, as well as his political godfather in the past, has already stated that he will personally assume the coordination of the PPV. He is a candidate for re-election in 2018 and knows the weight that this theme will have in those elections. Incidentally, this has already been a theme explored by its opponents. In addition to approving the increase in military officers - who are expected to match their wages with civilian police salaries by 2018 - the governor has announced an increase in bonus for extra days, which, in effect, guards the police on the streets.
I do not know the new commander of the PM, Vanildo Maranhão, nor do I like the lessons, but I would not be surprised if someone suggested that in military jargon it could be framed as a "hard line." Here it is already registered the arrest of soldiers of the Fire Department and disciplinary processes that reach leaders of the movements. In a recent meeting, Governor Paulo Câmara was one of the signatories of a position not to forgive the military involved in these movements, usually amnestied by the Chamber of Deputies. Although the sociologist José Luiz Ratton assumed the role of systematizer of PPV, the Pact for Life was a collective work, built through numerous seminars, listening to state and non-state actors and actors involved in the issue of public safety. Ratton, for example, was an academician specializing in public safety, pinned from the gym to PPV. The seriousness of this problem of public security in the country - the crisis in the prison system is only one of its aspects - and the need to rethink the ways to prevent and deal with crime - as well as the form of punishment - In a society of a prison culture like ours - perhaps it is time to resume these study seminars.
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