pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: Brazil without sufficient democratic health to enter the OECD
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domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2022

Publisher: Brazil without sufficient democratic health to enter the OECD

The beginning of the year is always a fertile period for the dissemination of reports from institutions that monitor the stage of democracy, respect for human rights and the degree of corruption in countries around the world. Unfortunately, Brazil does not appear well in these indicators, confirming previous rankings, which point to missteps regarding the preservation of democratic institutions, as well as in relation to laws and measures to protect the environment. In fact, today, we are the most threatened democracy in the world, judging by the indicators pointed out. In such circumstances, it becomes utopian to dream of joining the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), which brings together countries from consolidated democracies, including with regard to substantive or economic democracy.

Indicators of population education, per capita income and social inclusion are included in this content. A few years ago, we wrote a long - and no less controversial - article dealing with the development indicators of our basic education, taking the IDEB indexes as a reference, given the minimum grade requirements to enter that select group of countries. Based on the indices obtained up to the time of writing that article, we would hardly reach the required grade, that is, 6.0. I have no information on whether the OECD would have already changed this index.

Anyway, due to the political carriage, especially due to the damage caused by the pandemic, our educational indices - which were never good - must have worsened a lot, reaching more effectively, as always, the most fragile social strata. It is a historical problem, which has never been properly addressed, due to the turpitude of our elites, forged in the slave regime, which do not recognize the legitimate rights of the lower floor of the social pyramid.

It is curious to observe that, in such reports - which this editor collects with great affection - the convergences between these institutions on the problems faced by our democracy in recent years, especially since 2013, when the maneuvers to succumb them began, with the worsening in 2016, when a new type of coup, or institutional coup, took place. Anyway, if we do not improve our democratic health over the next few years, we will not have the slightest chance of joining this select club, despite the invitation made by that institution and the optimism of the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, who said that "it is not long".

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