pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: Brave scammers in ZAP and cowards in CPMI
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quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Brave scammers in ZAP and cowards in CPMI

The coup against the country's democratic institutions has been attempted not once but countless times. Curious is the narrative of Bolsonaristas that, without tanks in the streets, there could be no talk of a coup d'état. Yesterday, during the work of the CPMI on the Antidemocratic Acts, this narrative was strongly emphasized. In current times, as we know, we don't need tanks in the streets to enact a coup d'état. Today, even the most bloodthirsty dictatorships can assume a veneer of democracies. Authoritarian expedients are much more subtle, although equally harmful to citizens and democratic institutions.

What surprises us in these plots is the absolute discrepancy between the cell phone messages exchanged between the main architects of these maneuvers and their speeches, when they fall into the net of justice or when they are summoned to pronounce on the subject during the sessions of the commissions created to investigate these acts. We still haven't heard one of them assume he is a coup leader, deliver details of anti-democratic plots woven in the dark throes of obscurantism, and things like that. Courage even just through the ZAP groups.

This behavior is curious, but, strictly speaking, it would be expected. If the coup plot had been successful, they would be out there chasing the democrats with all possible will, with an unusual rage and courage, since they had the instruments and facilities created for this purpose. It is necessary that our democratic institutions punish with the necessary rigor those actors who plotted against it. Unfortunately, we live in a country of compromises, where everything is resolved with a pat on the back. One of the most strategic actors in this process has already stated that he is "tired" of hearing about coups.

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