pub-5238575981085443 CONTEXTO POLÍTICO. : Publisher: Luiza Trajano: There will be a lot of broken people
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terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2023

Publisher: Luiza Trajano: There will be a lot of broken people

In the past, the objective of the socialists was the storming of the Bastille. In current times, without a doubt, the objective would be to take the Central Bank by storm, although it was not known very well what they would do once they were inside. The central banks function, today, as an impregnable fortress of the interests of capital, hence the symbolism proposed by the English Marxist geographer, David Harvey, when discussing the changes in the capitalist mode of production in the present day.

Pedagogical and consistent, Harvey warns about what it would be like, nowadays, to build an alternative to capitalism. If we remove the iPhone and computers, for example, it would not be surprising if people asked for the regime to return. In fact, the interest charged by the Central Bank strangles some sectors of the economy, as suggested by businesswoman Luíza Trajano, in a recent event, in the presence of the Central Bank of Brazil, Campos Neto: "There will be a lot of people broke".

As the Bank has autonomy, the Lula Government's negotiations in the sense of proposing the fall of these interest rates, which favor, above all, speculative capital, became useless. At an average of over 13%, the Central Bank's interest rates are one of the highest in the world, creating problems for some sectors of the economy. In this sense, proceeds the warning of businesswoman Luíza Trajano.

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